The Palestinian Prisoners Society, PPS, reported that there are 900 Palestinian detainees in Israeli prisons and detention facilities who require immediate medical attention and treatment. Some of the detainees were shot and injured as the army was abducting them.   Recently, two detainees died as a result of medical neglect; one of them is Morad Abu Sakout, who was only released from Israeli prison after a sharp deterioration of his health condition, and died at a Jordanian hospital. The second detainee, Jamal Al Saraheen, died of medical neglect at an Israeli prison.


The PPS reported that sick and injured detainees are facing harsh conditions, and are deprived of the neccessary medical attention and treatment. Most of these individuals have not had any kind of official charges brought against them.


A total of 14 detainees have died in Israeli prisons since the outbreak of the Al Aqsa Intifada in September 2000.


A significant number of Palestinians were abducted by the Israeli army after being shot and injured, or when soldiers stopped the ambulances transferring them to local hospitals. Most of them were interrogated and tortured despite their injuries.


The PPS report revealed that there are 900 detainees who require surgery and intensive medical care. Some of them have cancer, heart diseases, lung diseases, kidney failure, spinal cord injuries, and others suffer from neurological and psychological disorders.


There are also a significant number of detainees who have paralysis, or who have lost hands or legs after being injured by the army.


The only medication provided for the detainees are painkillers, and the Israeli Prison Administration refuse to transfer most individuals to hospitals for further treatment when it is needed.


Other issues that increase the suffering of detainees are harsh living conditions and the continuous attacks they face.


In many cases, detainees have been attacked by the soldiers, who fire rubber-coated bullets and gas bombs at them. Many are also sprayed with gases that affect their respiratory and neurological systems.


Psychological abuse is also practiced by the prison authorites. Some detainees are threatened with rape, abused, and even threatened with the sexual assault of their family members.


When the prison authorities decide to transfer any detainee to hospital, the process requires extended periods of time which affects the health condition of the detainee and causes further complications.


Once transferred, they are searched then handcuffed and tied during the actual transfer in spite of their sickness and their inability to move. When they are hospitalized, they will be tied to their hospital beds.


Al Ramle prison hospital is considered worse than the prison itself. Usually there are about twenty detainees there, most of them suffering from serious diseases. The facility itself lacks the basic requirements of any hospital, nutrition is poor, and the medical attention is insufficient due to the fact that there are no specialized physicians employed there.

Many prisoners are kept in soiltary confinement in Al Ramle, described as 'narrow, dark and humid underground cells' by the PPS report.


Dozens of freed detainees are currently receiving psychological help due to the torture and abuse they were subjected to during interrogation and imprisonment.


Statistics published by the PPS revealed that 88% of detainees were tortured, abused and faced harsh treatment and living conditions during their imprisonment.