Palestinian Minister of Information Dr. Mustafa Barghouthi and the spokesperson of the Palestinian government said that threats by Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, and Defense Minister, Amir Peretz to launche a wide scale invasion to the Gaza Strip reveals their real intentions in relation to the latest American Security Plan.Palestinian Minister of Information Dr. Mustafa Barghouthi and the spokesperson of the Palestinian government said that threats by Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, and Defense Minister, Amir Peretz to launche a wide scale invasion to the Gaza Strip reveals their real intentions in relation to the latest American Security Plan.

Depsite of being very limited, the Israeli Government didn’t welcome the American plan and refrained from implementing any of its articles. Instead, Israel is promising more violence in the region.

Dr. Barghouthi stated that the Israeli government is incapable to be a part of the peace process and ignored the Palestinian and Arab initiatives for truce and peace in order to reach to a comprehensive and lasting solution.

Dr. Barghouthi added, ‘We hope the world will discover the truth, that incapable Israeli government, is the major obstacle for peace in the region.”
