The Committees of the Democratic Teachers Union demanded president Mahmoud Abbas, and the government, to abide by the signed deals between them and the Committee representing the government teachers regarding the regular transfer of their late salaries. The Union said that any attempt to neglect the signed agreements will force the teachers to return to their strike and will force them to take measures that they do not want to take, which will endanger the whole school year.


The Union stated that the statements of the Ministry of Finance to pay the teachers half of their salaries during the first week of each month is a violation to the agreement signed with the president and the government.


In its statement, the Union demanded that teachers to remain united and to remain committed to implementing the measures and decisions taken by it and by the specialized committee which negotiates their demands with the president and the government.


The statement also called on president Mahmoud Abbas, and prime minister, Ismail Haniyya, in addition to the Legislative Council to perform their duties in serving the people and to protect the school year.


The Committee held an extended meeting on Friday evening in the West Bank city of Ramallah, to prepare its plans for the coming period, and demanded the government to pay all late salaries, and start regular transfer of the salaries by the beginning of each month.


The US-led embargo on the Palestinian people was implemented after Hamas movement won last year’s legislative elections. The siege and embargo remained in place even after the Palestinians singed a unity government deal in February 2007.


The agreement is power sharing between Hamas and Fateh, with the participating of other smaller factions that were willing to be part of the unity government.
