Abbas, Mubarak Meet in Cairo
president Husni Mubarak yesterday (Monday) in Cairo. Abu MazenSpecial – IMEMC 12:06 Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmood Abbas (Abu Mazen) met Egyptian president Husni Mubarak yesterday (Monday) in Cairo. Abu Mazen…
U.S. Opposes Jordan Valley Fence, Would Completely Imprison
Israeli Army Radio quoted an American official as having said thatPalestinians Special – IMEMC 16:26 Israeli Army Radio quoted an American official as having said that the United States seriously…
PA: Sunday Summit Difficult, No Tangible Results
described the prime ministers’ meeting as difficult. Dahlan calledGhassan Andoni – IMEMC 07:11 Palestinian Minister for Security Affairs Mohammed Dahlan on Sunday described the prime ministers’ meeting as difficult. Dahlan…
Islamic Jihad Activist Killed, Reason Disputed
which arrived at the hospital was that of Rami Salet, 24, fromAli Samoudi – IMEMC 15:52 Medical sources from Jenin Hospital reported Monday that the body which arrived at the…
PA, In Abbas-Sharon Meeting We Expect to Hear Decisions Not Talks
issues of prisoners’ release, further withdrawals, separation wall,Ghassan Andoni – IMEMC 08:04 Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) will raise the issues of prisoners’ release, further withdrawals, separation wall,…
Student Released, Suffers Amnesia and Paralyzed
Saturday prisoner Anas Shreiteh 24, originally from Yatta villageSpecial –IMEMC 15:30 After three months in detention, Israeli prison authorities released Saturday prisoner Anas Shreiteh 24, originally from Yatta village near…
Isareli PM aides: As Talks progress, thousands of Prisoners will be
Israeli Army radio reported Sunday that close aides to Israeli Primereleased Special – IMEMC 12:30 Israeli Army radio reported Sunday that close aides to Israeli Prime Minister Sharon said that…
Israel Will Coordinate Prisoners’ Release with PA
Prime Minister Sharon accepted his Palestinian counterpart MahmoudSpecial – IMEMC 18:52 Israel Radio quoted a Palestinian source as saying that Israeli Prime Minister Sharon accepted his Palestinian counterpart Mahmoud Abbas…
Governor Released after Arafat’s intervention
Brigades, Palestinian Governor Ibrahim Irshaid 50 was released.Ali Samoudi – IMEMC 7:37 Several hours after being beaten and kidnapped by Alaqsa Martyrs Brigades, Palestinian Governor Ibrahim Irshaid 50 was released.…
`“Separation Wall` Separates Qiffin from Tulkarem Area.
from Israel, the separation wall is indeed separating PalestinianSpecial – IMEMC 08:00 “Originally planned and built to separate the Palestinian West Bank from Israel, the separation wall is indeed separating…
U.S. Official, Israel Should Do More On Prisoner Release
this week in a closed conversation that Israel must show moreGhassan Andoni – IMEMC 06:12 According to Israeli newspaper Haaretz, a senior U.S. official said this week in a closed…
Jenin’s Brigades Beat, Abduct City Governor
Jenin’s Governor Haider Irshaid, beat him, and took him to anAli Samoudi – IMEMC On Saturday afternoon, Armed Palestinians intercepted the car of Jenin’s Governor Haider Irshaid, beat him, and…
Irish Peace Activist Deserves Apology Not Deportation
version of his name) has accused Israel of faking charges againstGeorge N. Rishmawi, IMEMC, July 18, 2003 The Irish Journalist John Morgan, 42, Sean O Muireagáin (Irish version of his…
Israel Deports ISM Activists
week. The activists work with the International SolidarityThe Israeli authorities have decided to deport the eight International activists who were arrested in the West Bank last week. The activists work…
EU, Ties With Arafat Conducive to Peace
Palestinian President Yasser Arafat despite Israeli and U.S.Special – IMEMC 6:50 The European Union reaffirmed on Friday intentions to keep ties with Palestinian President Yasser Arafat despite Israeli and U.S.…
Brigades’ Leader: Truce should be a Choice not a Dictation
leader of Al-Aqsa Brigades (the military wing of Fatah), insistsSpecial Interview Ali Samoudi, IMEMC July 18, 10:20 Zakaria Al-Zubeidi 24, a refugee from Jenin Refugee Camp and the leader of…
Israeli Troops Continue with Incursions, Arrests, Demolitions
exchanged fire with Palestinian fighters in Joz AlthahabAli Samoudi & Muath Al Shrideh & Fadi Abu Sada – IMEMC 11:45 Israeli troops raided Jenin refugee camps Thursday morning and exchanged…
After ending his term in prison, Ali is Denied Release
detention order, Israeli security refused to release prisoner WalidFeature story – Amin Abu Wardah – IMEMC 10:59 Even after he completed the term of his fourth administrative detention order, Israeli…
Abbas, Sharon, to Meet Sunday
Israeli counterpart Ariel Sharon on Sunday, Israeli Foreign MinisterSpecial – IMEMC 14:43 Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) will meet his Israeli counterpart Ariel Sharon on Sunday, Israeli Foreign…
Blair to U.S. Congress: we can’t defeat terror without ME peace
without long lasting peace in the middle east war on terror wouldGhassan Andoni – IMEMC 16:48 Blair addressed the United States Congress on Thursday and stated without long lasting peace…
Brigades’ Leader: Truce should be a Choice not a Dictation
Zakaria Al-Zubeidi 24, a refugee from Jenin Refugee Camp and the leader of Al-Aqsa Brigades (the military wing of Fatah), insists that the Brigades’ refusal to abide to the truce…
Alaqsa Martyrs Brigades: PA Demanded All `“wanted by Israel` to Leave
In a leaflet signed by the Alaqsa Martyrs Brigades, the militarythe Presidential Compound. Rashid Hilal – IMEMC 07:47 In a leaflet signed by the Alaqsa Martyrs Brigades, the military wing…
Hamas Rejects PA Proposal to Extend Truce
Abbas (Abu Mazen) proposed to Palestinian factions to make theSpecial – IMEMC 07:37 Palestinian sources reported that Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) proposed to Palestinian factions to make…
Israeli Knesset, West Bank and Gaza Are Not Occupied Territories
“[the] West Bank and Gaza Strip, whether historically or based onSpecial – IMEMC 07:42 The Israeli Knesset approved a Likud proposal which states that “[the] West Bank and Gaza Strip,…
Oldest Palestinian Prisoner Calls Upon Israel, Egypt, and Hizbollah
President Arafat’s Adviser for Prisoners’ Affairs Ahmad Abuto Release All Prisoners. Amin Abu warda – IMEMC 12:17 President Arafat’s Adviser for Prisoners’ Affairs Ahmad Abu Al-Sukkar called upon Israel, Egypt,…
Abbas to Washington to Discuss Prisoners’ Release, Settlement Freeze
that he will visit Washington and meet with U.S. President GeorgeSpecial – IMEMC 07:30 Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) said Wednesday that he will visit Washington and meet…
Three Palestinian Kids Kidnapped by Settlers
were kidnapped by armed Israeli settlers Monday and taken intoFeature story – Amin Abu Wardah – IMEMC Three 9-10 years-old kids from the village of Orief south of Nablus were…
Cabbie Gurel Rescued, Likely Kidnapped for Prisoners’ Release
abandoned building at midnight on Tuesday and found Gurel, the cabSpecial – IMEMC 07:20 According to an Israeli army source, special units broke into an abandoned building at midnight on…
Israel to Free or Deport an Irish Journalist
case of John Morgan, an Irish Journalist and pro-Palestinian peaceSpecial – IMEMC 08:50 Israeli Shin Bet security service has ended its investigation in the case of John Morgan, an Irish…
When It Works, Don’t Mess With It
summit, the Palestinian government did sign to a commitment whichAnalysis – Ghassan Andoni – IMEMC According to the road map, signed by the two parties in the Aqaba summit, the…
Israelis force Palestinian prisoner to eat soil
A Palestinian prisoner has revealed that Israeli jailers at Maskubia forced him to eat soil against his will during their interrogation of him. The prisoner, Basem Nasser al Shaarawe, 25,…
Three Palestinian Kids Kidnapped by Settlers
Three 9-10 years-old kids from the village of Orief south of Nablus were kidnapped by armed Israeli settlers Monday and taken into Yetzhar settlement. An IMEMC correspondent visited the village,…
Torture for Fun
Afif Al-Bargoothi, 31, from Adoud village of north-east Ramallah, will never forget the 30 hour long torture and humiliation he suffered while attempting to pass through Qalandia military check point.…
Stabbing In Tel Aviv, One Israeli Killed, Two Injured
Israeli and wounded two others on the Tel Aviv beachfront promenadeSpecial – IMEMC 08:40 A Palestinian armed with a long-bladed knife stabbed and killed one Israeli and wounded two others…
Palestinian Leadership Overcomes Tension Around Power Sharing
reached an agreement Monday evening to end the recent tensionGhassan Andoni – IMEMC 08:10 Palestinian President Yasser Arafat and his Prime Minister Abu Mazen reached an agreement Monday evening to…
Arafat Meets with Suleiman, Roujob Present, Dahlan Absent
Omar Suleiman Tuesday afternoon, President Arafat, addressingRashid Hilal – IMEMC 15:57 At the end of a meeting with the Egyptian special security envoy Omar Suleiman Tuesday afternoon, President Arafat, addressing…
Israeli Army Speeds Up Efforts to Arrest Intifada Activists
neighborhood early Tuesday Morning. According to a local source,Special– IMEMC 12:44 Israeli troops raided the old city of Nablus and the Jabel Alshamali neighborhood early Tuesday Morning. According to a…
Straw to Sharon, We Will Keep Ties With President Arafat
that Britain will keep ties with Palestinian President YassirSpecial – IMEMC 17:15 U.K. Foreign Secretary Jack Straw told Israeli Prime Minister Sharon that Britain will keep ties with Palestinian President…
Dispute Over Parking Dahlan’s Car Becomes Fist Fight
Palestinian Legislative Council Ahmmed Quria’, the PalestinianRashed Hilal – IMEMC 16:10 Palestinian President Yasser Arafat appointed the chairperson of the Palestinian Legislative Council Ahmmed Quria’, the Palestinian Information Minister Nabil…
Jenin–More Isolation, More Land Expropriations
more trenches in the area between the town of Jalamah and JeninAli Samodi – IMEMC 16:42 To tighten the siege even more, Israeli army bulldozers burrowed more trenches in the…
Palestinian Survey Center: Only 10% of Refugees Will Choose to
The Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research published theReturn to Israel Rashid Hilal & Ghassan Andoni – IMEMC 10:30 The Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research published the…
Abu Mazen, Praises President Arafat
Mazen, addressing reporters after his meeting with the RussianRashid Hilal, IMEMC, 15:20 In an apparent reconciliatory move, Palestinian Prime Minister Abu Mazen, addressing reporters after his meeting with the Russian…
Sharon Criticizes Europe Over Relations With Arafat
contacts with Palestinian President Yasser Arafat. Sharon told theGhassan Andoni – IMEMC 07:58 Ahead of his trip to the U.K., Sharon criticized ongoing European contacts with Palestinian President Yasser Arafat.…
Palestinian Security Joins the Efforts to Look for Missing Israeli
Palestinian sources said that PA security forces are searching forCab Driver. Special – IMEMC 15:40 Palestinian sources said that PA security forces are searching for the missing Israeli cab driver…
More Settler Outposts Established Than Removed
to residents of the Palestinian village of Salem east of Nablus. TheGhassan Andoni – IMEMC 08:47 Israeli settlers established a new settler outpost on land belonging to residents of the…
Abu Shabak: Palestinian Resistance Not Targeted With Collection of
Head of Palestinian preemptive security in Gaza Abu Shabak said thatIllegal Arms Special – IMEMC 08:25 Head of Palestinian preemptive security in Gaza Abu Shabak said that collecting illegal arms…
Labor’s `“Gaza Tour`, Peres Left Behind for Security Considerations
(Sunday). They are to meet with Israeli settlers from Netzarim andSpecial – IMEMC 16:15 Labor party members of Knesset are touring the Gaza Strip today (Sunday). They are to meet…
Undermining Arafat Is Undermining Abu Mazen As Well
recently shrank to only focus on the power sharing game within theAnalysis- Ghassan Andoni – IMEMC President Bush’s call for reforms in the Palestinian Authority recently shrank to only focus…
Hamas Leader: Prisoners Will Be liberated, Through Talks or by Other
‘We will get you (prisoners) released under the truce if possible,’Means Special – IMEMC ‘We will get you (prisoners) released under the truce if possible,’ Rayyan, a Hamas leader in…
Sharon, Will Release More Prisoners
Corriere della Sera on Friday that he wants to help his PalestinianGhassan Andoni – IMEMC Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon told the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera on Friday that…
Fatah’s Central Committee Finalized Guidelines Requested by Abu
In a special interview with IMEMC correspondent, Fatah’s centralMazen Rashid Hilal – IMEMC, July 12, 2003 In a special interview with IMEMC correspondent, Fatah’s central committee member Hani Al Hasan…
PA Security Starts Collecting Illegal Arms, 20 Arrested So Far
a campaign to collect illegal Weapons in the Gaza Strip Friday.Special – IMEMC 08:08 More than 600 Palestinian police and preemptive Security men started a campaign to collect illegal Weapons…
Egyptian Envoy Suggests Moving Prisoners to PA Custody Under
Head of Egyptian intelligence service Omar Sulieman told the QatarInternational Proctoring Special – IMEMC Head of Egyptian intelligence service Omar Sulieman told the Qatar based Al-Jazeerah television that in order…
Israeli special forces kill a man, seriously wound his wife
Burqeen near the city of Jenin Wednesday. Iyad was shot dead byAli Samodi – IMEMC July 12, 2003 Thousands of people attended the funeral of Iyad Shlamish, 27 in Burqeen…
Israeli Troops Demolish Another Home In Rafah Today
neighborhood of Rafah near the Palestinian – Egyptian border FridayFadi Abu Sa’ada, IMEMC, 14:55 Israeli troops demolished a Palestinian home in the Brazil neighborhood of Rafah near the Palestinian –…
Israeli Security Shoot and Wound Palestinians Seeking Work
gunfire and two more were arrested while the four attempted to enterSpecial – IMEMC 08:47 Two Palestinian workers were moderately injured by Israeli army gunfire and two more were arrested…
Fatah’ Prison Leaders: Truce Idea Was Born Behind Bars
Fatah prisoners sent out a message of reconciliation and expressedspecial – IMEMC 15:30 In recent talks with the Israeli newspaper, Haaretz, the leaders of Fatah prisoners sent out a message…
Dahlan-Mofaz Meeting Serious, Short, No Results
Israeli Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz held their second meeting in aSpecial – IMEMC July 11, 200307:57 Palestinian Minister for Security Affairs, Mohammed Dahlan and Israeli Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz held…
Erekat denies Haaretz report as baseless
Palestinian Legislator Dr. Saeb Erekat denied, as baseless, a reportRashid Hilal – IMEMC July 11, 2003 16:39 In a private interview with an IMEMC correspondent in Ramallah, Palestinian Legislator Dr.…
Separation Wall cuts deep into West Bank
third section of the separation wall would be extended to encircleGhassan Andoni – IMEMC July, 10, 2003 The Israeli Deputy Defense Minister, Zei’f Boehm confirmed that the third section of…
Israeli Arab Driver, Runs Over Israeli Soldiers
soldiers suffered light injuries when a private car driven by anSpecial – IMEMC One Israeli soldier suffered medium injuries and an Israeli woman soldiers suffered light injuries when a private…
Palestinians warn Prisoners’ Intifada on the way
demand the release of Palestinian prisoners. During this weekGhassan Andoni – IMEMC, July 10, 2003 Thousands of demonstrators took the streets of Jenin Wednesday to demand the release of Palestinian…
Shekh Alasadi, Islamic Jihad in Jenin abides to truce
number one on Israeli security list for wanted Palestinians,Ali Samodi – IMEMC Sheikh Basam Al Sa’di, the leader of Islamic Jihad in Jenin and number one on Israeli security list…
Dahlan, Mofaz to meet Thursday on prisoner release issue
Israeli Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz are scheduled to meet ThursdaySpecial – IMEMC, July 10, 2003 Palestinian Minister for Security Affairs, Mohammed Dahlan, and Israeli Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz are scheduled…
Israeli special forces kills a man, seriously wounds his wife
village of Burqeen near Jenin north of West Bank, Israeli SpecialAli Samodi – IMEMC During an operation, army claim to arrest wanted Palestinian in the village of Burqeen near Jenin…
U.S., Arafat respond to Abu Mazen’s `“resignation`
his resignation from the Fatah Central Committee, the AmericanGhassan Andoni – IMEMC, July 09, 2003 Following an internal crisis that led Palestinian PM Abbas to submit his resignation from the…
Israeli army raids peace camp, arrests 4 peace activists
the International Solidarity Movement (ISM), in the village ofGhassan Andoni – IMEMC, July 09, 2003 An Israeli army unit raided the tents of a peace camp, initiated by the International…
Palestinian prisoner denied admission to ANSAR 3
The administration of Al-Naqab Military Detention Camp (ANSAR3) has refused to accept Moti’e Nader Abu Hammad 21, due to bad health. In a press release issued by the Palestinian Prisoners…
Palestinian family calls for release of their son
The family of injured prisoner, Ahmed Abu Haija, 21 years old, called upon the International and the local human rights organizations and the Red Cross to pressure Israel to release…
U.S. urges more handovers, more PA security responsibilities
pushing for regaining momentum in ME peace talks. To end theSpecial – IMEMC, July 8, 2003 After a week of relative quiet, the American administration is pushing for regaining momentum…
Explosion in Moshav Kfar Yavits kills Israeli woman and unknown man
ceiling of her home to collapse in Moshav Kfar Yavits in the SharonSpecial – IMEMC, July 8, 2003 A woman was killed Monday evening in an explosion that caused the…
Abu Mazen unlikely to visit Knesset soon
Channel One television that it was unlikely that Abu Mazen wouldRashid Hilal – IMEMC, July 8, 2003 Sources in the Palestinian Prime Minister’s office told Israeli Channel One television that…
Sharon ` Abu Mazen meeting postponed
has notified Israeli leadership of a decision to postponeRashid Hilal – IMEMC, July 8, 2003 According to Information Minister, Nabil Amr, Palestinian leadership has notified Israeli leadership of a decision…
PA rejects `“political classification` of prisoners
Rashid Hilal – IMEMC, July 8, 2003PA rejects “political classification†of prisoners Rashid Hilal – IMEMC, July 8, 2003 In a Monday night meeting led by President Arafat, the Palestinian…
Kurtzer says U.S. aim to disempower Arafat, not to empower Abu Mazen
Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) as aSpecial – IMEMC, Juky 8, 2003 United States Ambassador to Israel, Daniel Kurtzer referred to Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen)…
Leaflet attributes latest suicide attack to Islamic Jihad Al-Quds
In a leaflet distributed in the name of Al Quds Brigades, theBrigades Ali Samodi – IMEMC, July 8, 2003 In a leaflet distributed in the name of Al Quds Brigades,…
Israeli army shot and wounded three Palestinians in Rafah
evening. According to eye witnesses, army bulldozers destroyedSpecial – IMEMC Israeli troops incurred into Alqasas area south of Rafah Monday evening. According to eye witnesses, army bulldozers destroyed cultivated land…
Abu Mazen resigns Fatah Central Committee
Fatah Central Committee Monday evening, hard-line members blastedS pecial – IMEMC, July 12, 2003 Palestinian sources reported to Reuters that in the meeting of the Fatah Central Committee Monday evening,…
PA Security arrests woman allegedly planning suicide attack
early on Monday.Special – IMEMC, July 7, 2003 18:09 Palestinian Security Forces in Gaza arrested an 18-year-old woman early on Monday. The PA security source said security forces arrested the…
Israeli Minister suggests drowning Palestinian prisoners in the Dead
During the Israeli Cabinet meeting on Sunday, TransportationSea Special – IMEMC, July 7, 2003 18:19 During the Israeli Cabinet meeting on Sunday, Transportation Minister Avigdor Lieberman said, “I can provide…
Israeli army arrests seven Islamic Jihad activists
Jenin in the northern West Bank early Monday. In a house-to-houseAli Samodi – IMEMC, July 7, 2003 18:04 Israeli troops entered Qabatia village near the Palestinian city of Jenin in…
Dahlan rejects prisoner release criteria, demands to meet release
PA Security Minister, Mohammad Dahlan rejected the criteria forcommittee Special – IMEMC, July 7, 2003 18:14 PA Security Minister, Mohammad Dahlan rejected the criteria for release of Palestinian prisoners, which…
Mofaz and Dahlan expected to clash on the timing of future handovers
Affairs, Mohammed Dahlan, and Israeli Defense Minister, Shaul MofazSpecial – IMEMC, July 7, 2003 18:35 The Jerusalem meeting between the Palestinian Minister for Security Affairs, Mohammed Dahlan, and Israeli Defense…
Road map, truce facing crisis on prisoners release issue
release of Palestinian prisoners according to criteria recommendedspecial – IMEMC, July 7, 2003 18:32 The Israeli Cabinet, in its Sunday meeting voted 13-8 to approve the release of Palestinian prisoners…
Israeli tank flips during clashes in Jenin
city of Jenin in the northern West Bank Friday night. Tanks cameAli Samodi – IMEMC July 05, 2003 Israeli tanks and APCs entered the eastern side of the Palestinian city…
Truce Hazards
fact that the latest calm was due to the Palestinian AuthorityAnalysis – Ghassan Andoni – IMEMC It is a historical trend within the Israeli army not to admit to the…
PLO Executive Committee accuses Israel of shirking its obligations
Palestinian Minister for Ministerial Affairs and a member of the PLORashid Hilal- IMEMC After the meeting of the PLO Executive Committee Friday night, the Palestinian Minister for Ministerial Affairs and…
Arafat will not move from one prison to another
permanently, Palestinian President, Yasir Arafat said Saturday, “YouRashid AbuHilal – IMEMC July 05, 2003 Commenting on Sharon’s offer to allow him to move to Gaza permanently, Palestinian President, Yasir Arafat…
PA security, Palestinian faction exchange fire in Gaza
wounded in an exchange of fire in Shati’ Refugee Camp in Gaza FridaySpecial – IMEMC July 05, 2003 One PA security officer and one resistance committee member were wounded in…
Israeli land mine kills Palestinian in Gaza
AlQura is missing after a land mine exploded at Abu Ta’mea in KhanZuhair Saq Allah – IMEMC Majdi Abu Shalof was killed, Fuad Abu Shosha was injured, and Hamden AlQura…
Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades in Qalqilyah declare the truce over
Aqsa Martyrs Brigades in Qalqilyah announced that it would not abideSpecial – IMEMC July 04, 2003 Following the assassination Wednesday of one of its activists, Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades in…
War of destruction continues
Op-ed — Ali Samodi – IMEMCDestruction is an official Israeli policy… Palestinians are incapable of rebuilding. Op-ed — Ali Samodi – IMEMC In a gross violation of all international laws,…
Fatah Central Committee discuss Israeli breaches of truce
meeting Friday in Ramallah.Rashid Hilal – IMEMC Palestinian President, Yasir Arafat led a Fatah Central Committee meeting Friday in Ramallah. Dr. Zakaria Al Agha, PLO Executive Committee and Fatah Central…
Senior PA officer, close to Dahlan, released
of security in the Gaza Strip, and a close friend of MohammedSpecial – IMEMC July 04, 2003 A military court has released Suleiman Abu Mutlak, one of the heads of…
Palestinians, Israelis, working on prisoners’ release lists
EditorialsContact us Press Wire Editorials Opinion News Briefs Video Radio Stringers Features Interviews Home Palestinians, Israelis, working on prisoners’ release lists special – IMEMC The Israeli Shin Bet security service…
Shots fired near Abu Mazen’s home in protest against arrests
Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen), and the offices ofSpecial -IMEMC July 04, 2003 Palestinians fired shots in the air near the home of Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas (Abu…
Bush to Abu Mazen: hope to celebrate your independence in the year
In a 10-minute phone call on Thursday, President Bush thanked the2005 Special – IMEMC July 04, 2003 In a 10-minute phone call on Thursday, President Bush thanked the Palestinian Prime…
69 Palestinians killed in the past month, 33 assassinations
and Justice, 69 Palestinians were killed during the month of JuneAmin Abu Warda – IMEMC July 04, 2003 According to the monthly report of the Palestinian Council for Peace and…
Israeli truck ran over and killed a young Palestinian boy
village of Ras Attia near Qalqilyah. Omar’s mother and his brotherSpecial – IMEMC, July 3, 2003 A yellow license plate Israeli truck ran over Omar Yousif 15, in the village…
The Partnered Enemies
and his counterpart Abu Mazen are closely linked and interdependent.Ghassan Andoni – IMEMC, July 3, 2003 The future political careers of the Israeli Prime Minister Sharon and his counterpart Abu…