Jailed Fateh leader and previous Legislative Council member Marwan Barghouthi called on president Mahmoud Abbas and Prime Minister-designate, Ismail Haniyya, to contribute utmost efforts to guarantee the participation of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) in the upcoming government.The Maan News Agency quoted Barghouthi stating that the PFLP was and is still one of the most important pillars of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) over the last 40 years.

Barghouthi also said that the PFLP is committed to the Palestinian National decision, and paid huge sacrifices for the Palestinian people and revolution.

“These sacrifices include the assassination of its leader, Abu Ali Mustapha, and the imprisonment of its Secretary-General, Ahmad Sa'adat, and his assistant Abdul-Rahim Mallouh”, Barghouthi stated, “Hundreds of its members and activists are still imprisoned by Israel”.

Barghouthi also called on Fateh and Hamas to pay closer attention to all remarks of the of the factions in regard to their participation in the new government.


He expressed hope that the PFLP will join the government, since it “played an essential role in achieving the Detainees' Document, and in sparing Palestinian blood from being spilled in internal clashes”.