The Palestinian Initiative for the Promotion of Global Dialogue and Democracy (MIFTAH) called for reforming all security devices on professional basis far away from political orientations in order to regain the public trust.


MIFTAH stated that any security plan to reform these devices must include all Palestinian factions and should include public conferences to keep the people informed, to guarantees their commitment and the commitments of the factions to the reforms far away from clan conflicts or family feuds.  


Also, MIFAH added that the legitimacy of the current Palestinian government depends on its success to enforce its security control over Palestinian areas and groups without any exceptions.


MIFTAH stated that as the Palestinian security plan, prepared by the minister of interior, and approved by the government, failed due to conflicts of authority between leaders of security devices, the minister preferred to submit his resignation only five weeks after he was assigned to his post.


The resignation was rejected by the government but it still reflects the size of the crisis in the Palestinian territories.


The previous security advisor for the Palestinian president, Jebril Rajoub, who also headed the Palestinian Preventive Security Forces, said in an interview with the London-based Al Hayat newspaper on April 24 that the security plan which is supposed to end the chaos and insecurity falls short from achieving its tasks.


Rajoub added that any security plan should be capable of pinpointing the causes and figures behind chaos, and should be capable of separating between politics and security, in addition to be capable of separating itself from political preferences.


Moreover, MIFTAH stated that in the first quarter of 2006, the number of security personnel were registered in the database of the World Bank, arrived to 38.000, which negatively affected the financial situation of the Palestinian Authority, in addition to the fact that P.A security devices are malfunctioning, while some of P.A security personnel are involved in incidents of chaos and attacks, and were never brought to justice.