Head of the Political Bureau of the Hamas movement, Khaled Mashal, urged the United States and the European Union to support the Palestinian Unity Agreement, and added that a Palestinian recognition of Israel cannot be conducted before an independent state is established.“Enable the Palestinians to live free in their own land first”, Mashal said, “Enable them to establish their independent state, and then ask them, and their leadership, about their stance regarding recognizing Israel”.

The Hamas leader said that the Palestinians cannot even consider recognizing Israel before they establish their independent state in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, the Maan News Agency reported.

“The European and American stances are still unclear, but we hope they will respect our will and decision”, Mashal said, “Our legitimate stances are internal issues; nobody should disrupt or place conditions on our rights”.

He further stated that the Palestinians expect real deeds from the U.S and Europe by supporting their legitimate rights.

“The International Community must practice pressure on Israel to recognize our legitimate rights, not the other way around”, Mashal said, “We are dealing with an occupying enemy that does not accept logic or dialogue.

Mashal also said that the Palestinians must continue their resistance to the Israeli occupation, by nonviolent popular resistance, and by armed resistance as well.

“There isn’t an occupier that voluntarily withdraws, occupiers have no values or morals”, Mashal stated, “Only pressure and ongoing resistance can oblige occupiers to withdraw”.

The Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) has officially recognized Israel and its right to exists during the Oslo peace agreement in the mid-nineties. Israel on the other hand, never recognized the legitimate Palestinians rights to statehood and independence.

Under Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, and his extremist coalition partners, Israel is now demanding the Palestinians to recognize it as a Jewish state, an issue that automatically drops the Right of Return.