In its Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territories for the week of 23– 29 June 2011, Israeli forces continued to use force against peaceful protests in the West Bank, wounding a civilian. Israeli forces abducted two human rights defenders and 6 Palestinian civilians from non-violent demonstrations.In addition, Israeli forces conducted 31 incursions into Palestinian communities in the West Bank, during which they abducted 21 Palestinian civilians, including 7 children, a Member of the Palestinian Legislative Council, a human rights defender and a journalist.

Israeli forces abducted 3 Palestinian civilians, at military checkpoints in the West Bank. Troops also abducted a physically disabled young man at Beit Hanoun (Erez) crossing in the Gaza Strip.

Israeli gunboats opened fire at Palestinian fishing boats in the Gaza Strip. A fishing boat was damaged, and Israeli forces abducted two fishermen, but released them later.

Israeli attacks in the West Bank:

During the reporting period, Israeli forces conducted at least 31 military incursions into Palestinian communities in the West Bank, during which they abducted 21 Palestinian civilians, including 7 children, a Member of the Palestinian Legislative Council, a journalist and a human rights defender.

On 25 June 2011, bulldozers of the Israeli municipality of Jerusalem demolished bulldozed at least 100 graves in Maman Allah cemetery in the old town of Jerusalem, to establish a museum and a car park.

On Monday, June 27th, at approximately 08:30, Israeli forces moved into al-Baq’a area near bypass road #60, east of Hebron. They forced Palestinian farmers away from the area. At approximately 09:10, they started to destroy irrigation networks. By approximately 13:00, they had destroyed at least 36,000 meters of plastic pipes and some crops. During this operation, Palestinian farmers attempted to stop such destruction. Israeli forces abducted one of them, Mowaffaq Mahmoud Jaber, 45. They released him on bail at approximately 16:00. The irrigation networks that were destroyed belong to the Jaber and al-Rajabi families. This area is the most fertile in Hebron. Over the past years, Israeli forces have taken a series of measures against Palestinian civilians living in the area in an attempt to force them out of it.

On the same day, Israeli forces moved into al-Baq’a area near bypass road #60, east of Hebron. They forced Palestinian farmers away from the area. They destroyed at least 36,000 meters of plastic pipes and some crops. During this operation, Palestinian farmers attempted to stop such destruction. This area is the most fertile in Hebron. Over the past years, Israeli forces have taken a series of measures against Palestinian civilians living in the area in an attempt to force them out of it.

On the same day, Israeli forces razed areas of areas of land belonging to al-Nazer family located to the northwest of Hebron, to expand an Israeli military post in the area. PCHR’s field workers had not been able to reach the area as the Israeli military operation was ongoing.

On Tuesday, 28 June 2011, Israeli forces razed at least 15 dunums of agricultural land belonging to Kamal ‘Abdul Rahman, from Deir Estia village northwest of Salfit. Israeli forces uprooted at least 300 olives trees and transported them to an unknown destination.

Israeli forces have continued to impose severe restrictions on the movement of the Palestinian civilians in Ramallah. At approximately 09:00 on Thursday, 23 June 2011, Israeli forces re-established their presence at ‘Attara checkpoint, north of Ramallah. They stopped and searched Palestinian civilian vehicles. At approximately 10:30 on the same day, they established a checkpoint near the entrance to Beit Liqya village, west of Ramallah. At approximately 08:00 on Friday, 24 June 2011, Israeli forces established a checkpoint at the entrance of Nabi Saleh village, northwest of Ramallah. At approximately 14:00 on the same day, Israeli forces established a checkpoint under ‘Ein Yabroud Bridge, northeast of Ramallah. At approximately 09:30 on Saturday, 26 June 2011, Israeli forces established a checkpoint at Beit ‘Aur intersection, west of Ramallah. At approximately 07:45 on Sunday, 26 June 2011, Israeli forces established a checkpoint at ‘Oyoun al-Haramiya intersection, north of Ramallah. At approximately 09:30 on the same day, Israeli forces established a checkpoint at Beit ‘Aur intersection, west of Ramallah.

On 23 June 2011, Israeli forces moved into Wadi Hassasa area in the east of Arab al-Rashaida village, east of Bethlehem. They forced Palestinian farmers and shepherds away from the area. They then demolished two barnyards and a well. These demolitions were carried out without prior notices.

On the same day, Israeli forces confiscated a tractor belonging to Mustafa Taha al-Manasra, 49, from Wad Foukin village west of Bethlehem. According to information available to PCHR from al-Manasra, he was plowing an agricultural plot in Wadi al-Baqara area near Housan village, when an Israeli military jeep arrived. Israeli soldiers stepped down and ordered him to stop working, claiming that the area is a state land. They escorted him and the tractor to “Kfar Etzion” military post, where they confiscated the tractor, but released him.

On Monday, 27 June 2011, Israeli forces used force to disperse a number of volunteers and farmers who were farming Palestinian agricultural lands that are threatened by Israeli settlement activities in Arab al-Ramadin village, southwest of Hebron. According to investigations conducted by PCHR, Israeli soldiers had been already deployed in the area, which includes at least 200 dunums of agricultural land that had been fenced by Israeli settlers to annex it to “Ashkilot” settlement. Israeli forces used force against Palestinian farmers and volunteers. They also abducted 6 Palestinian civilians, three of whom were elderly men. Israeli forces claimed that these civilians resisted the Israeli military and threatened a settler.

Israeli settlement activities:

Israeli forces have continued settlement activities in the West Bank and Israeli settlers have continued to attack Palestinian civilians and property.

On 24 June 2011, dozens of Israeli settlers from “Sousia” settlement to the southeast of Yatta town, south of Hebron, attacked a number of Palestinian farmers and 3 international human rights defenders, in an attempt to prevent them from farming an agricultural belonging to the Houshiya family.

On the same day, dozens of Israeli settlers stormed Jabal al-Tabban area near Kour village, south of Tulkarm. They terrified Palestinian civilians in the area. They left the area later and no more events were reported.

Also on the same day, 5 Israeli settlers stormed agricultural areas in Kufor Qaddoum village, northeast of Qalqilya. Palestinian civilians immediately informed the Palestinian liaison offices, which contacted Israeli forces. Later, Israeli forces arrived at the area and evacuated the settlers.

Israeli Annexation Wall:

During the reporting period, Israeli forces used excessive force to disperse peaceful demonstrations organized in protest to Israeli settlement activities and the construction of the annexation wall in the West Bank. As a result, one Palestinian civilian was wounded, and dozens of Palestinian civilians and international human rights defenders suffered from tear gas inhalation. Israeli forces also abducted two Israeli human rights defenders and 6 Palestinian civilians.

During the reporting period, Israeli forces used force against peaceful demonstrations organized by Palestinian civilians and international and Israeli human rights defenders in protest to the construction of the Wall and settlement activities in the West Bank. As a result, one Palestinian civilian was wounded. Dozens of Palestinian civilians and human rights defenders also suffered from tear gas inhalation and others sustained bruises. Israeli forces also abducted two Israeli human rights defenders and 6 Palestinian civilians.

Following the Friday Prayer on 24 June 2011, dozens of Palestinian civilians and international and Israeli human rights defenders organized a peaceful demonstration in Bil’in village, west of Ramallah, in protest of the construction of the annexation wall. Dr. Salam Fayad, Palestinian Prime Minister in Ramallah, and Mr. Mohammed Baraka, member of the Israeli Knesset, participated in the demonstration. Israeli soldiers stationed in the area fired rubber-coated metal bullets, sound bombs and tear gas canisters at the demonstrators. As a result, Samer Mohammed Bernat, 36, was hit by a tear gas canister to right foot. Additionally, a number of demonstrators suffered from tear gas inhalation and others sustained bruises.

Also following the Friday Prayer on 24 June 2011, dozens of Palestinian civilians and international and human rights defenders organized a peaceful demonstration in Ne’lin village, west of Ramallah, in protest against the construction of the annexation wall. They clashed with Israeli troops positioned near the Wall. Israeli troops fired rubber-coated metal bullets, sound bombs and tear gas canisters at demonstrators. As a result, a number of demonstrators suffered from tear gas inhalation.

Also following the Friday Prayer on 24 June 2011, dozens of Palestinian civilians and international and Israeli human rights defenders organized a peaceful demonstration in Nabi Saleh village, northwest of Ramallah, in protest against land confiscations in the Wad al-Raya area between the villages of Nabi Saleh and Deir Nizam. When the demonstrators attempted to reach areas of land seized by Israeli settlers near ‘Halmish’ settlement, Israeli troops fired rubber-coated metal bullets, sound bombs and tear gas canisters at them. As a result, a number of demonstrators suffered from tear gas inhalation.

Israeli attacks in the Gaza Strip:

During the reporting period, Israeli gunboats opened fire at Palestinian fishing boats in the Gaza Strip in two separate incidents. In one of these attacks, a Palestinian fishing boat was damaged. Israeli forces also abducted two fishermen, but released them later.

On 28 June 2011, at approximately 11:00, Israeli soldiers stationed on observation towers along the border between the Gaza Strip and Israel to the east of Beit Hanoun town in the northern Gaza Strip, opened fire near a number of Palestinian civilians and international solidarity activists who were demonstrating in the east of Beit Hanoun town. About 80 persons, including 6 members of the International Solidarity Movement, 13 members of the Local Initiative in Beit Hanoun town, 15 journalists, 10 farmers and 40 children. The children flew kites, which bore a number of slogans calling for freedom for Palestinian children and lifting the siege imposed on the Gaza Strip. When the demonstrators got as close as to 500 meters away from the border, Israeli soldiers fired at them. No casualties were reported.

Israel has continuously closed all border crossings to the Gaza Strip for over three years. The illegal Israeli-imposed closure of the Gaza Strip, which has steadily tightened since June 2007, has had a disastrous impact on the humanitarian and economic situation in the Gaza Strip.

Israeli forces have tightened the closure of the Gaza Strip and have made Karm Abu Salem crossing as the sole commercial crossing of the Gaza Strip although it is not proper for commercial purposes in terms of its distance and operational capacity.

Israeli forces have continued to apply their policy aimed at tightening the strangulation of the commercial movement in the Gaza Strip, including imposing total control over the flow of imports and exports.

The total closure of al-Mentar ‘Karni’ crossing on 02 March 2011 has created a bitter situation that has seriously affected the Gaza Strip. Following this closure, all the economic and commercial establishments in Gaza Commercial Zone were shut off. It should be noted that al-Mentar crossing is the biggest crossing in the Gaza Strip in terms of its operational capacity to absorb the flow of imports and exports. The decision of al-Mentar crossing was the culmination of a series of decisions to totally close Soafa crossing, east of the Gaza Strip, in the beginning of 2009, and Nahal Oz crossing, east of Gaza City, which was dedicated for the delivery of fuel and cooking gas to the Gaza Strip, in the beginning of 2010.

Recommendations to the international community:

Due to the number and severity of Israeli human rights violations this week, the PCHR made several recommendations to the international community. Among these were a recommendation that human rights organizations, bar associations, unions and NGOs continue their role in pressuring their governments to secure Israel’s respect for human rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territories and to demand that Israel end its attacks on Palestinian civilians.

In addition, the PCHR calls upon the international community to pressure Israel to lift the severe restrictions imposed by the Israeli government and its occupation forces on access for international organizations to the Occupied Palestinian Territories.

For the full text of the report, click on the link below: