Sunday afternoon, two Palestinian residents of the old city of Hebron were attacked by an extremist settlers group, while they where doing maintenance for some old homes in Hebron.

A source at the Hebron Reconstruction Committee said that the settlers who attacked the workers are living in four illegal settlement outposts in Hebron.

A medical source in Hebron reported that Hijazi Mahmoud al-Batsh, 30, sustained serious injuries and was transferred to Soroka hospital in Bir Shiva after losing conscious of a head injury.

Al-Batsh was attacked after being held by Israeli soldiers in al-Sahla area, in the center of Hebron.

Al-Batsh was bleeding from his face, head and several parts of his body; two other workers were mildly injured.

Also, settlers and soldiers attacked a resident identified as Mohammad Abdul-Jalil, 23, was admitted to the Hebron Governmental Hospital after sustaining bruises and fractions to their parts of his body. 

Abdul-Jalil was attacked in the old city of Hebron.

Also, settlers attacked several shops and stores in the city, detained and interrogated dozens of residents.

A local source in Hebron reported that soldiers forced some residents to put their figure prints on documents without knowing their contents. 

Dozens were detained under the son for several hours.

Earlier on Sunday, settlers burnt a store near Abraham Abino settlement in Hebron attacked a store and burnt it.

Kayed Jaber, a firefighter working with Hebron municipality said that soldiers obstructed their work, and forced them to stop after claiming that the area is part of the settlement, and that they should obtain a permit from the settlers.