These are some of the Israeli violations and attacks by Israeli occupation soldiers and the parliamentary colonizers militias against the Palestinians in the West Bank, on Saturday, May 11, 2023.

The soldiers abducted Mohammad Raed Abu Ar-Rob, and Eyad Jihad Abu Ar-Rob, from their homes in Jalboun village, east of Jenin in the northern West Bank.

The soldiers abducted Saji Al-Jamal in Jenin city, in addition to Ibrahim Masad and Adham Ali Abi Eid, from Faqqu’a village, northeast of Jenin.

The army invaded many villages and towns, including Jalboun, Arbouna, Faqqu’a, Arrana, Deir Ghazala, and Zabbouba, and continued the occupation of a home and carwash family, owned by Rafiq Rafe’ Abu Ar-Rob, for the 21st day.

The army abducted two siblings, Mohamad and Ramo Saleh Suleiman from Jericho, in the northeastern West Bank, after stopping them at a military roadblock, northwest of the city.

The soldiers invaded Sinjil town, northeast of Ramallah in the central West Bank, and fired many gas bombs and concussion grenades.

It is worth mentioning that, illegal Israeli colonizers burned, before dawn on Saturday, Palestinian-owned olive trees and agricultural crops in the village of Al-Mughayyir, northeast of Ramallah.

The army invaded Shoufa village, southeast of Tulkarem in the northwestern West Bank, and closed the main entrance of barbwires; the entrance is the only street used by the Palestinians after the soldiers closed the eastern and the western entrance in October of last year, 2023.

The Israeli army invaded Palestinian agricultural lands in Nahhalin town, west of Bethlehem, and ordered the farmers to leave their lands and not return to them again.

Nahhalin has been subject to increasing Israeli violations, including the demolition of homes and workshops; two days ago, the army demolished a commercial facility that included a blacksmith shop, an aluminum shop, a car repair facility, and a restaurant. |Israeli Army Demolishes Several Homes in the West Bank|

In Jericho, in the northeastern West Bank, paramilitary Israeli colonizers invaded the Arab Al-Mleihat Bedouin community, northwest of the city, and brought their livestock to graze on the Palestinians’ lands.

Israeli colonizers also attacked Palestinians, their homes, and cars, in several parts of the West Bank, including Hebron, Nablus, Ramallah, and Jenin.

Earlier Saturday, the soldiers abducted at least fifteen Palestinians from their homes mainly in Jenin, Ramallah, Qalqilia, Hebron, and Jerusalem, and assaulted dozens of residents while interrogating them and inspecting their ID cards, in addition to causing serious property damage.

Israeli soldiers abducted more than 8.680 Palestinians from various parts of the occupied West Bank since October 7, 2023. Many of the abductees were family members of Palestinians the army wanted to abduct and took them hostage to pressure them into surrendering.