Israeli forces shot and killed, on Wednesday, a Palestinian child, injured a young man, and abducted at least five young men in the Shu’fat refugee camp, north of occupied Jerusalem.

Media sources said that the child, Hani Majdi Al-Qarri, 16, succumbed to a critical gunshot wound to the chest, inflicted on him by the Israeli forces on Wednesday evening.

Sources added that an undercover force infiltrated the Shu’fat refugee camp, followed by military reinforcements, sparking protests among local Palestinians.

Soldiers opened fire with live rounds, concussion grenades, and tear gas canisters at those who resisted the incursion, fatally wounding the child, Al-Qarri, shooting him in the chest with live ammunition.

Soldiers also shot and seriously injured a young man during the military invasion and arrest campaign, medical sources have confirmed.

Media sources said that occupation forces abducted at least five young Palestinian men from the camp, including the journalist, Suhaib Masalma.

In related news, Israeli soldiers shot and killed the Palestinian child,  Hasan Yousef Hasan Sha’er, 17, near the town of Ni’lin, west of Ramallah in the central occupied West Bank.

Since the beginning of the Israeli military onslaught against the Gaza Strip on October 7, 2023, Israeli forces have killed 708 Palestinians in the West Bank, including 160 children, and injured 5,700.

The distribution of those killed in the West Bank is as follows; 188 in Jenin, 152 in Tulkarem, 72 in Nablus, 71 in Hebron, 59 in Ramallah, 57 in Tubas, 45 in Jerusalem, 29 in Qalqilia, 19 in Bethlehem, 12 in Jericho, 12 inside Israel, and 4 in Salfit.

Since October 7, 2023, Israeli forces have killed 41,272 Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, most of whom are women and children, and injured 95,551 citizens, while the bodies of thousands of citizens remained buried under the rubble of the devastated coastal enclave.