On Sunday, the Israeli authorities handed Jerusalem Governor Adnan Gheith an order prohibiting him from entering the West Bank for four additional months.

The “Jerusalem Governorate Media” office explained that the Israeli intelligence services at the “Maskobiyya” detention and interrogation center summoned Governor Gheith for questioning.

Upon his arrival, he was handed the renewal of the order, which has been in place for six consecutive years and is signed by the “Central Region Commander,” of the Israeli military.

Since Governor Gheith assumed his duties in 2018, he has faced numerous restrictions and measures, most notably “house arrest following an indictment against him,” preceded by house arrest in Silwan town in Jerusalem, “his place of residence,” prohibition from participating in any activities, and a ban on entering the West Bank.

Additionally, his home has been repeatedly invaded and ransacked, and he has been abducted, detained, or summoned for questioning multiple times.