On Tuesday, Israeli soldiers abducted a young Palestinian man from the town of Beit Ummar and searched many homes in Hebron, in the occupied West Bank’s southern part.

Mohammad Awad, a local activist, said the soldiers invaded the neighborhoods of Aseeda, Ath-Thaher, and Shu’ab Al-Seer in Beit Ummar town, north of Hebron, stormed several homes, searched them, tampered with their contents, and damaged furniture and belongings.

Awad added that the soldiers then abducted 22-year-old Ahmad Mohammad Ahmad Rashid Sabarna from his home.

The soldiers also invaded and ransacked many homes owned by the families of Al-Jeyyawi, Wreidat, Farrash, and others in the towns of Beit Awwa, Ethna, Tarqumiya, and Ath-Thahiriya, causing extensive damage to their contents.

Additionally, the army set up several military roadblocks at the entrances of Hebron and its surrounding towns, villages, and refugee camps, closing several main and side roads with iron gates, concrete blocks, and earth mounds.