Local sources in Jerusalem reported Tuesday that bulldozers of the Jerusalem municipality demolished nine Palestinian homes in East Jerusalem after claiming they were built without construction permits. On Tuesday morning, the Jerusalem Municipality demolished a building in Sur Baher, south east of Jerusalem.

The 600 square/meter building consisted on four apartments, and was inhibited by 50 persons.

Clashes were reported while the army was demolishing the building, and five Palestinians were mildly wounded.

Soldiers also demolished the home of Khamis Al Tahhan, from Al Salaam neighborhood in Jerusalem. The building was 60 square meters and was inhibited by 9 persons.

Earlier on Tuesday, the Israeli Authorities demolished four homes in Jabal Al Mukabber, south of Jerusalem’s Old City.

One of the demolished structures is a tin house that belongs to resident Atef Abu Rweih.

He and his family had to live in the tin house after the Jerusalem Municipality leveled their home in 2006.