Israeli vice Premier Shimon Peres met Thursday with U.S. Vice President Richard Cheney, and told him that for the time being Israel is not building new housing units near the settlement of Ma’alee Adumim, east of Jerusalem.

Peres said the construction plans are out of date, and will not be implemented in the near future.

Cheney told Peres that the American administration’s opposes expansion of settlements, especially the plans to connect Ma’alee Adumim settlement to Jerusalem.

In response to Cheney’s inquires about Israel’s settlement activities in the Ma’alee Adumim area, Peres asked the American Administration to distinguish between plans and activities on the ground. 

Peres asked the American Vice President to take into consideration that Sharon’s government is walking on ‘thin ice’, and is subjected to tremendous pressure due to its intention to implement the disengagement plan.

Peres also asked for the U.S. financial help for developing the Negev and the Galilee areas, although he did not stipulate an exact amount.