Israeli soldiers detained eight residents, including elderly, after invading the village of Shoufa, south east of Tulkarem, and conducted military searches.

A local source Shoufa reported that soldiers, supported by armored vehicles, invaded the village on Wednesday at night, conducted military searches of homes, and detained eight residents.

The residents were identified as Abdul-Qader Mahmoud Hamad, 65, Saber Abdul-Qader Hamad, 27, Adel Abdul-Qader Hamad, 25, Mahmoud Mustafa Othman, 45, Khairy Mustafa Othman, 35, Mohammad Fathi Saleh, 60, Fathi Zgheib, 65, and Sa’id Khairi Hamad, 20.

The eight residents were held for several hours at a neighboring military camp, interrogated and released later on.

Army claims that dozens of residents from the village hurled stones at settlers’ vehicles on the settlement road between Al-Kafreyyat checkpoint and Avni Hefetz settlement, near the village.

Also, soldiers blocked traffic on Faroun junction, south of Tulkarem and conducted military searches after holding dozens of vehicles and residents.

Soldiers interrogated the youth on the checkpoint, no arrests.