Senior Israeli politicians recommended the cabinet to release the Palestinian lawmaker Marwan Barghouthi, jailed in Israel since April 2002, Israeli sources reported.

Israeli newspaper, Yedioth Ahronot said, “A classified document has been submitted to the security kitchenette included a recommendation to release Barghouthi” the secretary General of the Fatah ruling party.
Barghouthi was sentenced to five life terms for allegedly being involved in attacks that killed five people, including Israelis.
The senior politicians, who wrote the recommendation, said they expect Barghouthi to resume his role in the West Bank as a leader for the younger generation in Fatah and said that “Palestinian demands of his release will continue even grow.”
Therefore, the recommendation reads, his release must be discussed to take place in relax and suitable situations in the future.
The recommendation argued that releasing Barghouthi will help carrying out reforms in the Palestinian Authority especially that he has a good group of supporters that is rapidly growing.
Apparently, in a unique coincident, interests of Israel and Fatah younger generation met. Both are demanding democratic elections of the Palestinian Parliament and reforms within the PA, the recommendation said.
Sources close to Sharon, reportedly said, “it is a pity that such a recommendation is submitted, since Barghouthi will never be released, as he was convicted in a court, and there is no need to release him.”