Israeli Vice Prime Minister Shimon Peres said on Wednesday that an agreement was reached, under American supervision, to sell hothouses in Gaza Strip settlements to the Palestinians.

The Israeli radio reported that Peres made his statements during a meeting of the Israeli ministerial committee for disengagement; which was chaired by Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon.

“Settlers will sell the hothouses to the Palestinians for 14 million US dollars. The money will be paid by the US,” Peres said. “Agricultural products that will be produced by the Palestinians will be exported by the Igrasco Israeli company, which exports agricultural products from Israel to the rest of the world,” he added.

Israeli Minister of Agriculture Yisrael Katz apposed the agreement and claimed that “such an agreement will destroy the Israeli agriculture market and will not enable Israel to control the Palestinians products.” 


The head of the Israeli government’s Disengagement Administration, Yonatan Bassi, said Katz has no reason to worry because the Israeli agricultural market is protected by international agreements.