The U.S. administration has deepened the crisis with Israel over the Israel’s weapon-related exports by refusing to rescind the sanctions against Israel, Ze’ev Schiff, a prominent military expert wrote in Haaretz newspaper on Wednesday.

In June, the U.S. House of Representatives voted to place a five-year ban on the purchase of defense items from any country that sells military-related items to China. The crisis erupted, says Haaretz, when
Israel sold China replacement parts for ‘harpy attack drones.’


U.S. demanded

Israel prove that it has increased monitoring of military exports.  A trip by Israeli Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz to the

U.S. to discuss this issue was cancelled following mounting Israeli pressure.



U.S. demands the Israeli Knesset enact legislation within 18 months that increases monitoring of military exports.  It also demanded that a memorandum of understanding be signed, in addition to a written apology from Israel and Mofaz.


Even though such a memorandum will not put an end to the crisis, it may allow a gradual lifting of sanctions.  Yet opposition in

Israel against singing this memorandum is mounting.


The sanctions could do serious harm to

Israel‘s military industries since a significant amount of money is pumped into the Israeli economy from this industry.


Israeli officials hoped that Mofaz’ visit would ease the tension and end the sanctions and were then surprised by the tougher demand the Americans made.