Israeli authorities cancelled recently 7,000 work permits that had been given to Palestinian workers in the Gaza Strip, a source at the Palestinian Authority reported.

“In spite of the Israeli decision to lift the closure which was imposed on the Gaza Strip following the Netanya bombing on July 12, Israel cancelled 7000 permits,” the source said. “The Israeli authorities did not provide the P.A with any explanation for this procedure.”

Israel informed the Palestinian side at the Erez Crossing on Monday morning that it intends to issue permits to only 2,000 workers and 200 merchants.

The Israeli decision to lift the closure imposed on the Gaza Strip was made on Sunday, after Israeli security officials met to evaluate the security situation. They decided to maintain its closure in the West Bank.  

On the other hand, Saleem abu Safiyya, head of the border crossings for the Palestinian Authority, said that the Israeli authorities have allowed some residents who are under the age of 35 to cross into Egypt through the Rafah border crossing, or vice versa, provided that they obtained permits from the “Civil Coordination” office.

Abu Safiyya added that the permits were only granted to university students, sick residents, or residents who obtained visas from diplomatic missions in the Palestinian areas.