The Israeli army withdrew overnight from the evacuated settlement of Sa-Nur after it completed burying the Synagogues there, and deployed its forces around it, and around Homesh settlement.

Dozens of Palestinian policemen entered the settlement, earlier on Tuesday, and prayed in a mosque which was used turned by the settlers into a synagogue; the mosque was not leveled by the army.

Also, Israeli soldiers started burying the settlements’ synagogue on Monday, after claiming that it cannot be dismantled or moved, especially after the Israeli government decided not to level the synagogues in the evacuated settlements. 

Also, an Israeli military source reported that the army will not be continuously patrolling the area by the end of the week, but “it retains it right to patrol it depending on the security needs”.

Palestinians enter W. Bank settlement as army leaves

George Rishmawi-IMEMC & Agencies

Several dozens of Palestinians entered on Tuesday the evacuated settlement of Sa Nur near the West Bank city of Jenin, after the army has completely left it few days ago, Israeli source reported

The Israeli army did not hand in the settlement after being evacuated, to the Palestinian Authority; however, the army’s spokesperson confirmed that that soldiers dismantled the infrastructure in the settlement and will not run daily patrols there anymore, Israel Radio said.

Homesh, another West Bank settlement was also completely evacuated and Palestinians entered the settlement few days ago and held prayers at their lands there.

The other two settlements, Ganim and Kadim, although evacuated long time ago, still under the total Israeli control and the army is running daily patrols there.

The evacuation of these four West Bank settlements followed the evacuation of the 21 Gaza Strip settlements and all the Israeli military posts and bases, under the unilateral disengagement Israel completed on September 12.

Israeli and Palestinians security officials have failed so far to reach an agreement about the border crossing especially the Gaza-Egypt one, where Israel insists on having presence on this Palestinian-Egyptian border crossing point.

Latest reports said Israel is currently mulling the option of having a European security role at the borders, a suggestion presented by the Palestinians earlier to solve the standoff.