The International Solidarity Movement, ISM, reported, on Friday, that Israeli soldiers arrested Ando Macdonald, in the Old City of Hebron and transferred him to Al Ramleh detention facility in preparation to deport him. 

Macdonald, from Scotland, was present in Hebron in solidarity with Palestinian families facing daily harassments and attacks carried out by extremist settlers in the city.
Nata Golan, the spokesperson of the ISM informed the Palestinian News Agency WAFA, that Border Guard units of the Israeli Police Division arrested Macdonald who always acted as a human shield while the settlers carried their attacks against the Palestinian residents and their properties.
He was also active in Tal Rmeida neighborhood, in Hebron, which is subjected to daily attacks by extremist settler groups who have an illegal settlement outpost there.
The International Solidarity Movement is known for its activities in support to Palestinian People and their legitimate struggle against the Israeli occupation.
ISM activists are effectively involved in peaceful protests against the Separation Wall Israel is constructing in the West Bank, and against settlement activities.