Israeli army will start its redeployment on the Egyptian-Israeli borders on Monday starting from the Kerem Shalom crossing to the Nitzana salient, Israeli online daily Ynetnews reported.

A senior Israeli army officer said that the deployment aims to create a fortified wall and prevent any infiltration into Israeli territory using numerous and diverse methods.
A large number of soldiers are expected to arrive at the border Monday afternoon, south of the Philadelphi route.
Israel intends to install guarding towers, place armored personnel carriers and other various means in the area, some of the means are revealed while others concealed.
Later on, more soldiers will join the southern division deployed there, and the Israel Air Force will patrol over the Gaza Strip and border from the air; unmanned planes will also be conducting continuous tours along the Gaza-Egypt borders.
Israel claims that since it’s withdrawal from the Gaza Strip, Palestinian factions are trying to smuggle combat tools whether using tunnels or through the Egypt-Gaza borders.
Also, a senior Israeli army official reported that another goal of this plan is to halt criminal smuggling activities.
The Ynetnews said that the first step in the security revolution will be implemented Monday by the Gaza division’s southern unit, commanded by Colonel Avi Peled.
The redeployment plan comes in coherence with an Israeli military plan, prepared by the Israeli Defense Minister to reinvade several areas in the Gaza Strip, and ongoing shelling of several Palestinian areas in order to evacuate them and create a "security zone".
The army official explained; "The new "borderline" will look like a normal continuous security border, from placing towers and patrols up to increments that are unique to the zone, quiet activities and others, technological means from the ground and the air, a combination of the air force and professional drivers from special units".
 He claimed that signs of the global Islamic Jihad have already been spotted in Egypt, and Israel "must act in order to prevent the movement from entering Gaza".