After midnight and through the dawn hours, Israeli forces raided the city of Tulkarem, and conducted military searches.
Eyewitnesses said a number of military vehicles entered the city and began shooting at a group of activists putting up posters and banners for the upcoming PLC elections. No injuries were reported during the shooting.
Israeli forces also distributed a leaflet inciting local residents against resistance fighters in the Tulkarem district, and urging people not to cooperate with them.
The leaflet to the people of Tulkarem and Qalqilia said that on December 29, "terrorist" groups including a terrorist suicide bomber were sent to blow themselves up among Israeli soldiers and Palestinian citizens, who were injured hurt in this operation.
The leaflet reads, "This proves once again that those terrorists harm you. Cast out terrorist elements from your midst or the harm will be from the Israeli Defense Forces", the leaflet was signed by the IDF command.
The Aqsa Martyrs Brigades and political sources from the Islamic Jihad movement condemned the distribution of these leaflets, confirming that such measures will fail in the face of the determination and the will of the Palestinian people, who are defending their legitimate rights.