A large Israeli force, of at least six military vehicles, invaded the village of Beit Fajjar, near Bethlehem in the early hours of Wednesday morning and declared the village a closed military zone, Palestine News Network (PNN) reported.

Israeli troops conducted a house-house-search, during which, the residents were forces to step out of their homes in cold weather. 
Troops blind folded and hand cuffed the arrestees and took them to an unknown destination ending a three-hour-invasion.  The arrestees are between 15 to 20 years of age.
Omar Taqatqa, head of the village council told PNN that these arrests are arbitrary and random; adding that there have been no actions in the village which proves that such acts violate the residents rights and aims to provoke the residents.
Israeli army has been carrying out arrest campaigns among Palestinian civilians claiming that the arrestees are wanted members of armed resistance groups.  Most of what Israel calls arrest attempts end up assassinating the target.
Recently, the Israeli Supreme Court rejected a request by the Israeli defense Minister calling the court to reconsider its ruling to prevent the Israeli army from using Palestinians as human shields in their arrest campaigns.
The army has been using Palestinian civilians as human shields during their invasion to Palestinian cities, villages, and refugee camps by forcing them to walk in front of them or their military vehicles.