A large Israeli military force invaded the West Bank city of Bethlehem and arrested three residents in the early hours of Sunday morning, Palestinian sources reported.

The force, which consisted of 10 military vehicles, were positioned at the Church of the Nativity square in the city.

Troops broke into the houses in the area and arrested Ali Nawawra 23, and Abdullah Falah 25 from Bethlehem.  Eyewitnesses reported seeing the two young men handcuffed and blindfolded and were being pushed by the soldiers to the jeep.  The two were taken to an unknown destination.

An Israeli military source said the two were on the Israeli army’s wanted list for being members of Fatah armed wing group and for allegedly shooting as Israeli targets.

Two hours later, Israeli troops reinvaded the city and arrested Mahmoud Sha’laan 19 from his house near the church.  Sha’lan was also taken to unknown destination.

Last Sunday, Israeli special army force invaded Bethlehem and assassinated two Palestinians and arrested one.  Ahmad Musleh and Danial Abu Hamama were killed.  Abu Hamama was seen captured alive, then shot later.  Troops however, took him to the Hadassa hospital in Jerusalem where he was pronounced dead later.

Some of his relatives said they believe he was taken to the hospital dead body, and they believe that Israeli doctors took some of his organs while he was in the hospital.

Thousands participated in laying both Mudleh and Abu Hamama to rest on Monday.