A major Palestinian nonviolent march swept through the West Bank streets of Ramallah Monday in honor of International Workers Day.

Their first stop was with Fateh spokesperson Ahmed Abdul Rahman speaking and then on to President Abbas’ Advisor to Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) Affairs.

Thousands of workers participated and wrote a collective memo for President Abbas, explaining their difficult circumstances in which they are living.

Abdul Rahman said, “On this day there is no escape for anyone who knows the difficult situation in which Palestinians live from the economic blockade, not receiving salaries, and the rise in unemployment. The World Bank and the United Nations are aware of the possibility of a wide-ranging famine in Palestinian lands, particularly the Gaza Strip and parts of the West Bank, if this blockade continues.”

The Fateh spokesperson confirmed that he too is aware of the injustice of the imposition of an economic blockade against the Palestinian people, saying, “This is a continuation of the Israeli plan to destroy the will of the Palestinian people who have remained intent on resisting the occupation, the Wall, and the settlements.”

Abdul Rahman continued, “After a two-month blockade imposed on the Palestinian people, willing donor countries are still unable to get their funds to the people.”

He said that the workers march to the Presidential offices was also held in recognition and gratitude of the role of the President Arafat who issued the Presidential Decree declaring International Workers Day, 1 May, an official Palestinian holiday.