Palestinian Foreign Minister Dr. Mahmoud Al-Zahaar will visit Indonesia next week as part of a tour that will include some Middle Eastern and Asian Islamic countries, Palestinian sources reported.

Disra Bierka, spokesperson of the Foreign Ministry of Indonesia said Al-Zahaar’s visit will last for three days during which the Palestinian FM will update Indonesian officials on the situation in Palestine, especially the financial crisis the Palestinians are going through.
The source added that Jakarta will present some proposals related to reactivating the role of the Quartet committee for peace in the Middle East, which is composed of representatives of the United States, European Union, United Nations and Russia.
Indonesia is the largest Islamic country and it is likely that Hamas will ask for financial support to ease its crisis.
On Friday, international observers operating at the Rafah crossing point to Egypt stopped Sami Abu Zuhri, spokesperson of Hamas and confiscated some $800,000 U.S dollars he was carrying on a waist belt.
Abu Zuhri said the money is part of the donations collected by Hamas to the Palestinian people.
Meanwhile, Fatah demanded an investigation in the case, saying that it is illegal to enter money to the country in this way.