The Israeli military conducted wide scale searches at dawn Monday breaking into several homes, arresting three residents and beating three others in the West Bank city of Hebron.
 Official sources at the Palestinian prison’s society office in Hebron reported that a resident who was identified as Abdel Haleem Abu Sbieh, 26, was arrested after being detained by Israeli intelligence. Another resident, identified as Shadi Nur Al-Din, 20, was arrested after Israeli armored vehicles surrounded his house (located in Haram Al-Rama neighborhood north of the city), broke into the home and searched it.

Palestinian security sources in the city of Hebron reported that Israeli forces also arrested a resident identified as Rasheed Rashad Mewadi, 27, after breaking into the family’s home located in Qezun neighborhood, located adjacent to Kharseena, an illegal Israeli settlement built on stolen Palestinian land, northeast of Hebron.

Meanwhile, Israeli troops broke into the home of Bassam Maswadi, located in the same neighborhood of Qezun, attacked and beat his wife, Reema, and  his two sons, Basher and Fadi, before they withdrew from the area.