A new report by the Lebanese government shows that the Israeli air strikes have devastated the country’s infrastructure.


Lebanon’s airports and seaports have been destroyed. Thirty-Eight roads have been cut off by bombs or shells and 42 bridges have been destroyed. Power stations, water-processing plants, grain silos and gas stations have also been targeted as well as communication and television antennas.

The Daily Star newspaper in Beirut has accused Israel of violating the Geneva Conventions by attacking civilian infrastructure.

The World Health Organization expects the number of Lebanese residents displaced from their homes to reach 900,000 by the end of today.  Over one hundred thousand people have already fled to Syria. Public parks in Beirut now resemble refugee camps filled with displaced residents.

The UN peacekeeping force in South Lebanon, UNIFIL, has said it has been unable to deliver humanitarian aid to stranded civilians because it could not guarantee the safe passage of the aid workers.  Last week, Israeli fire hit an ambulance run by the Lebanese Red Crescent.

Aid organizations report many injured people are also unable to reach hospitals because so many roads and bridges have been bombed. Food and medical supplies are also running out in areas.