Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, addressing the United Nations
General Assembly on Wednesday in New York, said that the solution of
the Palestinian cause does not mean an Israeli withdrawal to the
borders of June 4, 1967, “but means creating a new reality that did not
exist back then”.

Livni also rejected any Israeli withdrawal from Jerusalem and described it as “the heart of Israel and the national home for the Jews”. The East of Jerusalem was occupied in 1967 along the the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

Livni also spoke about Iran, and said that the “Iranian threats resembles the biggest challenge to the world”,

She tried to focus on the Iranian file more than the Middle East conflict and said that Iran denies the Holocaust and that the Iranian president is seeking to obtain nuclear weapons “in order to achieve the Iranian goal that threatens the whole region, and the world”, according to Livni.
“The International Community should be committed to counter the Iranian threat”, Livni states, “Not only for the sake of Israel, but for the sake of the whole world”.

Also, Livni said that the two soldiers captured by Hezbollah fighters should be release without any conditions, and that Lebanon must implement resolution 1701. 

Defending the acts of the Israeli army in the occupied territories and in Lebanon especially after the sharp increase of civilians, especially children and elderly killed by Israeli bullets and shells, Livni said that “there is a difference between territories chasing civilians, and soldiers targeting terrorists”. 

“Terrorism is just terrorism, even if it is called resistance”, she added.

Also on the Palestinian track, Livni said that the Palestinians should stop what she described as “terrorism”, and that the Palestinian state the would be established side-by-side with Israel cannot be “ a state of terrorism”.