The Popular Resistance Committees (PRC), one of three resistance
factions holding the Israeli soldier, Gilad Shalit, captive since June
25 said on Saturday that a solution for the crisis is expected within

Israeli online daily, Haaretz, reported that the PRC said in a statement that the three groups had accepted an Egyptian proposal for the release of Shalit.

The proposal will also see the release of Palestinian detainees in Israeli prisons. The number of detainees to be freed remained unknown.

The PRC said that the three groups are waiting a response from Israel. So far, Israel did not respond to the proposal. 

Two Israeli soldiers and two resistance fighters were killed in the attack.

Hamas demands simultaneous prisoners swap
Saed Bannoura – IMEMC & Agencies, Friday, 27 October

Al Hayat Arabic newspaper reported on Friday that a senior Hamas
official in Damascus demanded Israel to conduct a simultaneous prisoner
swap by releasing Palestinian Prisoners at the same time that Hamas
frees the captured soldier, Gilad Shalit.

According to the Al Hayat report, Hamas is awaiting the Israeli response to the deal. The Hamas official stated that the movement  would be flexible on the timing of the release of the detainees if Israel agrees on the prisoner swap.

Fateh leaders said earlier that Egypt proposed a prisoner swap deal that calls for the initial release of Palestinian detainees along with the captured Israeli soldier. A small group of detainees would be released in the first stage, and then a larger group would be freed two months later. The overall number of detainees who would be freed is 1000.

Senior Israeli sources said that “Israel can live with such a deal”, Israeli online daily Haaretz reported.

Hamas political Bureau Chief, Khaled Mashal, is expected to receive an Israeli response during his meeting with the Egyptian Intelligence Chief, Omar Suleiman early next week.

Suleiman met Mashal two weeks ago in Damascus and held talks with him on the release of Shalit and the formation of a Palestinian National Unity Government.
Meanwhile, deputy chief of the Hamas political Bureau, Mousa Abu Marzouq, said that a government of professionals headed by an independent Prime Minster instead of Ismail Haniyya, is considering an attempt to oust Hamas from power.

“We aren't against a National Unity Government, the parties can suggest the names of their professionals”, Abu Marzouq stated, “But, Hamas was elected by the people, and will name the ministers”.