The Resource Center for Palestinian Residency and Refugee Rights
(BADIL) conducted a study that revealed that 17% of the Palestinian
families in Jerusalem were forced to relocate outside the borders of
Jerusalem as a result of the Israeli procedures and the Wall.

The center stated that those families are living in areas west of the Wall after they lost their right of freedom of movement since the Wall obstructed and barred them from receiving the basic health and educational services.

Taghreed Jaradat, head of BADIL said in a press conference in Ramallah that the Wall demographically isolated the residents and caused forced transfer of the Arab population from Jerusalem area close to the Wall.

Jaradat added that the forces transfer of the population is considered a War Crime and a crime against humanity.

She also called for the implementation of the International Court of Justice advisory ruling that considered the Wall illegal and violates the basic rights of the Palestinian people.