Organization of the Islamic Conference General Secretary Ekmel Eddin
Ihsan Oglu suggested opening an investigation in the latest events of
factional infighting in the Gaza Strip which claimed the lives of five

Oglu presented this suggestion to both Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and Prime Minister Ismael Haniyeh on Tuesday.  Oglu said that both Abbas and Haniyeh accepted his proposal.

He added that the organization of the Islamic conference suggested that the cease-fire agreement reached between Hamas and Fatah should include the withdrawal of the armed groups from the streets, and to give the police forces a chance to maintain security and the rule of law.

The proposed investigation committee would be formed of five justices, one of them appointed by President Abbas, another by PM Haniya and the other three will be selected by the organization of the Islamic Conference.

Oglu will also discuss with the Palestinian leaders the formation of the National Unity Government which has reached a deadlock last week, resulted in Abbas’ call for early elections, which caused the factional infighting to erupt.
