The Palestinian Center for Human Rights in Gaza, published on Thursday its weekly report on the Israeli violations of human rights in the occupied Palestinian territories. The report concerns violations in the period between the 8th and 14th of February , 2007.The PCHR reported that Israeli soldiers shot and injured twenty-two Palestinians, including eight children and one Israeli peace activist in several areas in the occupied West Bank.

Sixteen civilians, including five children, were shot and injured when the army attacked and fired at protests against the digging conducted by Israel in the vicinity of the Al Aqsa Mosque.

One Palestinian civilian and an Israeli solidarity activist were injured after the army fired at a peaceful protest against the Annexation Wall in Bil’in village, west of Ramallah.

One young Palestinian woman was taken prisoner at an Israeli checkpoint near Nablus, in the northern part of the West Bank. The Israeli army claims that the woman attempted to stab a soldier.

Troops carried out 40 invasions into Palestinian communities in the West Bank, and took prisoner 75 Palestinians, including 10 children.

 The army also continued its construction of the Annexation Wall in the West Bank, and confiscated 44 Dunams of Palestinian land in Broqeen, and Kufur Al Deek near the northern West Bank city of Nablus.

The army ordered eleven Palestinian families in Ithna  and Al Thahiriyya villages near the southern West Bank city of Hebron, to leave their property for the construction of the Wall.

In the Gaza Strip, four Palestinian civilians were injured by Israeli military gunfire in four separate attacks in Beit Lahia town in the northern part of the Gaza Strip, and Dir al-Balah town in the central Gaza Strip.

In Jerusalem, Israel continued the digging near the Al Aqsa Mosque, and took prisoner more than fifty residents who protested against the digging.

 Jerusalem remained off-limits to the Palestinians, and only men fifty-years old or older were allowed to enter the mosque.

 The occupied Palestinian territories remained under strict siege as soldiers positioned at hundreds of roadblocks tightened the security measures, barring the residents from leaving their areas or returning back to them.

Four Palestinian civilians were taken prisoner at these checkpoints, three of whom are children.

Also, soldiers razed 400 square meters of agricultural lands that belongs to a resident of Azzoun village, near the northern West bank city of Qailqilia. The bulldozing was carried out to install a military observation tower in the area.

Israeli settlers continued their attacks against the Palestinians in several West Bank areas, especially in Hebron.

Settlers of Keryat Arba’ settlement, southwest of Hebron, planted areas of agricultural lands belonging to Palestinian residents, and barred the residents from entering their own land, while the army did not attempt to interfere. The settlers are attempting to annex the area to expand their settlement.

Settlers of Kerni Shomron and Ginat Shomron settlements east of the northern West Bank city of Qalqilia prevented Palestinian farmers from reaching their orchards.

At least 50 olive trees were uprooted by settlers of Halmish settlement near Ramallah; the army was present in the area but did not attempt to stop the settlers.

 Six civilian structures were demolished by the army in a village south of Hebron. Soldiers claimed that the structures were too close to Alasfir illegal Isrtaeli settlement.

The Gaza Strip remained under strict siege and continued to suffer shortages of basic goods, foods and fuel.

The Rafah International Crossing was closed, effectively isolating the Gaza Strip from the rest of the world. The Beit Hanoun  (Eretz) crossing which links the Gaza Strip with Israel and the West Bank remained completely blocked. Even patients under the age of 40, were not allowed to cross to Israeli or West Bank hospitals.

 The Karni trade crossing, the main trade crossing in the Gaza Strip, remained blocked causing further deterioration in the economic conditions in the Gaza Strip as goods could not reach the markets.

Nahal Oz crossing, designed for entry of fuels, was repeatedly closed. The Sofa crossing was partially opened.

The Center appeals the international community to intervene to stop the Israeli violations of human rights in the occupied territories, and called on the United Nations and the Security Council to make sure that Israel complies with the international law and the principles of Human Rights.  

PCHR report, Click Here