Israeli army Bulldozers began bulldozing farm lands that belong to Palestinian farmers from Al Thahria town south of Hebron city in the southern West Bank on Thursday.
Israeli army Bulldozers began bulldozing farm lands that belong to Palestinian farmers from Al Thahria town south of Hebron city in the southern West Bank on Thursday.

The Israeli Authority is plannig to expand the illegal Israeli settlement of ‘Kisara Hagai’ on the expense of the local Palestinian farmers.

Similar to all settlements in the West Bank, this settlement is built on land confiscated from Palestinian farmers.

The villagers reported that bulldozers arrived in the morning and started levling the land. They added that Israeli troops and armed settlers attacked them when they attempted to stop the bulldozers, and forced them to leave their land. No injuries were reported.

According to the villagers, the land being bulldozed is nearly 100 dunumes (25 acres) and belongs to several families. The farmland is the onlysource of income for these families, the villagers said.