The Israeli military, under the pretext of receiving intelligence information about possible Palestinian attacks, carried on Friday six military invasions into Jenin district, in the northern part of the West Bank, kidnapped several residents but failed to abduct any resistance fighters.The invasion stated on Friday at dawn when the soldiers, based at Salim military post, invaded Borqeen town, south-west of Jenin. The invasion was carried out by 60 military vehicles.


Soldiers broke into dozens of houses, detained families, searched the properties and fired rounds of live ammunition and flares.


Resident Mousa Hasan stated that soldiers forced the families, including himself and his own family, out of their homes and forced them to sit on the street for four hours as the troops searched and ransacked the houses.


Before dawn on Friday, nine youth were kidnapped and moved to unknown destinations. The army claims that the abducted residents are members of Hamas and the Islamic Jihad.


In Jenin refugee camp, soldiers exchanged fire with dozens of resistance fighters, especially members of the Al Quds brigades, the armed wing of the Islamic Jihad and the Al Aqsa brigades, the armed wing of Fateh.


Soldiers surrounded several buildings and sealed off the alleys and streets of the camp during the invasion.


Resident Amer Al Sayyid said that soldiers threatened to detonate a building that includes several officers and residential flats after claiming that resistance fighters were hiding there.


Residents of the building were forced out of their homes and were interrogated for several hours before the army withdrew without abducting any resident or fighter.


The third invasion was Jaba' village, south east of Jenin, as more than ten military vehicles invaded the village and surrounded several homes. Soldiers used loud speakers calling on the fighters to surrender, before breaking into dozens of houses and forcing the families out.


Mustafa Zaki, one of the residents, told the Palestine News Network that soldiers broke into the houses and sabotaged them while searching every corner and ever piece of furniture, and kidnapped one resident after claiming that he is a member of Hamas.


In Ta'nak village near Jenin, soldiers fired rounds of live ammunition at dozens of houses and forced the residents out.


Resident Ahmad Thiab said that at least fifteen military vehicles invaded the village, and the soldiers broke into dozens of homes, forced the residents out and interrogated them.


Ahmad added that soldiers fired rounds of live ammunition into his house, threatened him and the other families of “extreme punishment” if they provide assistance or any sort of support to the fighters.


Before leaving the village, soldiers kidnapped one youth, a member of the Palestinian security devices.


In Al Arqa village, south west of Jenin, dozens of soldiers operated for several hours, broke into ten houses and forced the residents out.


Resident Yosra Mahmoud reported that soldiers broke into her home, forced her and her family against the wall for four hours while searching the property causing excessive damage.


Soldiers hit several residents with batons and threatened to punish them more if they help the fighters.


Resident No'man Khaled stated that soldiers threatened to arrest him if he helps the fighters and destroyed his furniture while searching the property.