Washington presented on Wednesday a sum of $150 millions to the Palestinian Authority, as a part of U.S’s financial commitment towards sustainability of the PA, following the last December’s Paris donor meeting.

In a special ceremony held at the office of Palestinian Prime Minister, Salam Fayyad, in the West Bank city of Ramallah, the U.S general consul, Jaccoub Walse and the acting head of the U.S Aid agency, David Hardan, handed out the PA a check of the new fund.

Prime Minister Fayyad was quoted as saying, ‘ we consider this grant as a strong indication of the U.S’s commitment towards the establishment of a safe and independent Palestinian state’.

The U.S financial support to the Palestinian Authority excludes the ruling Hamas government in Gaza, which has been economically boycotted by Washington and the west since the party has been elected during 2006’s parliamentary elections.