Israeli military abducted three citizens from the villages of Jab’a and Seelit ad-Dahr, and invaded the northern West Bank city of Jenin Monday morning.According to a Palestinian security source, the Israeli military abducted Imad Sobhi, 28 from Jab’a after breaking into his parent’s house and tampering with its contents.

Moreover, troops abducted two citizens from Seelit ad-Dahr. The two were identified as Adnan Mohamad Ma’lol, 30 and Alam Ma’zouz al-Kelani, 24.

Eyewitnesses reported that troops also broke into the house of Nabeel Thiab in the village of Kufur Ra’ie and searched it.

Troops also invaded the city of Jenin with a number of military vehicles and carried out a wide-scale search campaign, however, no abductions were reported.