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Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for Thursday August 2, 2012.

Settlers attempt to blow up a car in the West Bank, meanwhile the Gaza power plant is back to its full capacity, these stories and more, coming up, stay tuned.

Israeli military kidnapped a disabled Palestinian youth form Beit Ummar, north of the southern West Bank city of Hebron, on Thursday afternoon.

Local sources reported that Ahmad Awad, 25, was on his way home when stopped by the Israeli military operating at the entrance of Beit Ummar and kidnapped him, and took him to Ofer detention center.

On his part, Mohammad Ayyad Awad, spokesperson of the Popular Committee against the Settlements in Beit Ummar, said that the kidnapped youth suffers a disability in his left foot.

On Tuesday, Israeli forces broke into the family’s house and kidnapped his brother Mohammad, meanwhile, his younger brother Bilal 16, was kidnapped last March.

In the norther West Bank, extremist Israeli settlers attempted to blow up a car that belong to a Palestinian from the village of Sinjil, north of Ramallah Wednesday night.

Ayyub Suwweid, mayer of Sinjil told Maan News Agency, that Abdul Kareem Khaleel, 65, found a hand made bomb, composed of explosive material under his car.

Suwweid said that the settlers came from the nearby Giva’at Ariel settler outpost. They broke into Khaleel’s house and then attempted to blow up his car that was parked at a very close proximity to the house.

Settlers wrote anti-arab graffiti on the walls of the house, such as, “Death to the Palestinians” and “Price Tag”. Settlers have been using this term frequently whenever the Israeli government attempts to remove an unauthorized outpost.

According to eyewitnesses, Israeli police arrived into the scene and said it will investigate the incident.

In other news, the Energy and Natural resources authority In the Gaza Strip, said on Thursday that it had managed to run the Gaza power plant in full capacity for the first time in six years.

Ahmad Abu Omrein, director of the information center at the energy authority, said the Gaza power plant can provide the residents with electricity along the hour, as long as enough fuel is available.

He added that the plant will provide 100 Mega Watt during the night and 60 Mega Watt during the day due to lack of fuel supplies. The Gaza Strip need 600 thousand litters of fuel every day to run with full capacity.

The power plant was running only with 25% of its capacity due to lack of fuel and the damage Israel caused when bombarded the power plant in 2006. It took around six years to rehabilitate the plant due to the closure. The rehabilitation of the plant was made possible by funds from Islamic Bank, and fuel provided from Qatar through Egypt.

And that’s all for today from IMEMC News this was the Thursday August 2 daily news round-up from the Occupied Palestinian Territories. For more news and updates please visit our website at Today’s report has been brought to you by Husam Qassis and me George Rishmawi