Two Palestinians, one Muslim and one Christian, who were killed by the Israeli army on November 11, 1991, and whose bodies were held at the “Cemetery of Numbers” will be buried Monday after Israel agreed to release their remains.The two, Ramzi Jamal Attallah Shahin and Anis Rafiq Shukri Mousa, topped Israel’s “Wanted List” from the beginning of the first Palestinian Intifada in 1987, for their activities in the popular uprising in Palestine.

They managed to leave Palestine through Sinai to receive military training at an undisclosed location, and on their way back to the country, they were killed in armed confrontations with Israeli soldiers in the Negev desert.

Their bodies were buried nameless at the Numbers Graveyard, a graveyard used by Israel to bury hundreds of Palestinian fighters nameless. Israel assigns a number to each grave, the number refers to a secret file in the Israeli Intelligence database.

Earlier in June, Palestinians held an official ceremony for prayers and burial of 91 Palestinians, killed by Israel many years ago, and buried in the “Cemetery of Numbers”.