Jerusalem – The Ahrar Center for Detainees Studies and Human Rights has reported that Israeli soldiers kidnapped, on Tuesday [December 10, 2013] a Palestinian woman identified as Nadia Lufty Abu Eid, 34.The Center said that Nadia is the wife of Ayman Abu Eid, a former political prisoner from Biddu town, in occupied East Jerusalem. Ayman spent 15 years in Israeli prisons.

Head of the Ahrar Center, Fuad Al-Khoffash, stated that the soldiers installed a roadblock at the entrance of the town, and kidnapped Nadia as she was heading to a hospital in Jerusalem seeking medical attention for her child.

Al-Khoffash said that the soldiers confiscated the car Nadia was driving, and took her to an interrogation facility in the city. Nadia is a mother of five children; the youngest is a one-year-old baby girl.

Al-Khoffash voiced an appeal to human rights groups to intervene and expose the ongoing Israeli violations on roadblocks, as well as in different parts of occupied Palestine.

It is worth mentioning that the Palestinian Prisoners Society {PPS) has reported that Israel is currently holding captive more than 5,000 Palestinians, including 200 minors, and 15 women.