Israeli settlers stormed the compound of Al-Aqsa Mosque, Monday, through Al-Mughrabi gate, headed by Moshe Feiglin and escorted by the occupation’s special forces and soldiers.
Sheikh Azzam Al Tamimmi, Director General of the Islamic Endowments, said to Al Ray Palestinian Media Agency that 48 settlers, led by Fegln, invaded the compound of Al-Aqsa Mosque, and toured the holy courtyards”.

Tamimi noted that the tour coincided with the presence of hundreds of prayers and Qura’n circle students in Al-Aqsa mosque courtyards, their voices raised up by “Takbeer” condemning the increase of raids recently.

Rasem Abed al-Wahed, Specialist in the Jerusalem Affairs, said that Israeli restrictions were imposed on the entry of the Palestinian worshippers into the mosque, during Feiglin’s raid. The police stopped the worshippers on the main entrances of the mosque, checked their IDs and detained them until they come out of the mosque.

Internal Affairs and Environment Committee in the Israeli Kenesset convened Monday to discuss a resolution for allowing the Jewish prayers on Al-Aqsa mosque courtyards.

Feiglin has been a strong advocate of Jews’ asserting their rights to pray on Al- Aqsa mosque compound. Last month, he initiated a Knesset debate on freedom of religion and Israeli claimed sovereignty on the Islamic compound.

On Friday 4th April, Feiglin expressed his willingness to storm the mosque in preparation for the Passover festival that coincides the 14th of April. Leaders of Jewish groups called the Jews to make sacrifices on this occasion in the compound of the mosque, and they also called the Israeli police to make the appropriate measures for them to perform the Talmudic rituals in the mosque.

Jewish prayer on Al-Aqsa compound is illegal.

Although Jews are technically allowed to visit the compound, the decision on whether or not they will be admitted is generally in the hands of the Waqf, the Muslim religious trust that controls access to the site.

According to the PNN, this is the first time that the Knesset is conducting an in-depth examination of Jewish demands to be allowed to pray on the Al-Aqsa Moqsue, which has been under nominal Israeli control for decades, but is administered by the Islamic Waqf.

The committee is a subcommittee of the Israel Internal Affairs and Environment Committee and was appointed by MK Miri Regev (Likud-Beytenu), who heads the Internal Affairs and Environment Committee. Its members are MK David Tzur (Hatnua), MK Zevulun Kalfa (Jewish Home) and MK Nachman Shai (Labor).