Palestinian detainees in Israeli prisoners are holding a one-day hunger strike, as an initial protest, for the death of a detainee who died, Tuesday, at the Soroka Israeli medical center, following a sharp deterioration in his health condition.In a letter the detainees managed to smuggle out, they said they are holding a strike, following the death of Ra’ed Abdul-Salam al-Ja’bari, 37, from the southern West Bank city of Hebron.

Head of the Detainees and Ex-Detainees Committee at the Palestinian Authority, Issa Qaraqe’, stated that the detainees sent a letter to the head of the Israeli Prison Authority, holding him responsible for the life of al-Ja’bari.

Qaraqe’ added that Palestinian General Prosecution tasked Dr. Saber al-‘Aloul, of the Palestinian Forensic Center, to participate in the autopsy of al-Ja’bari, and to conduct all needed measures.

The Ahrar Center for Detainees’ Studies and Human Rights said that Israel, as the occupying power of Palestine, is fully responsible for the life of al-Ja’bari and every imprisoned Palestinian.

Head of the Center, Fuad al-Khoffash, called on the Palestinian Authority to file official complaints against Israel at the International Criminal Court, and all related institutions, to expose the ongoing Israeli crimes and to hold Israel accountable.

Al-Khoffash warned that the international idleness and silence are encouraging Israel to continue and to escalate its crimes, in direct violation of International Law, the Geneva Convention and all related treaties.

Raed Abdul-Salam al-Ja’bari worked as a car mechanic technician; he is a married father of five children.

He was first kidnapped and arrested by Israeli soldiers on July 26, 2014, after a traffic accident in which Israel alleged that he intentionally rammed a settler.

An Israeli court ordered his release, on a 8000 NIS bail, but the Israeli Prosecution filed an appeal, keeping al-Ja’bari held at the Ofer Israeli prison.

On September 3, he was then moved to the Eshil Israeli prison, and was placed into solitary confinement.

In related news, the Palestinian Prisoners Society (PPS) reported, Wednesday, that dozens of soldiers invaded Section 2, Area A, of the Negev Detention Camp, in the Negev Desert, and ransacked the lodgings of tens of the detainees, before assaulting several of them.

The PPS stated that the soldiers forced the detainees out of their tents, and attacked them, adding that the attack is the latest of ongoing violations which have escalated in recent months.

It added that most detainees are denied the right to family visits, and are denied very basic rights, while facing constant harassment and abuse.

206 Palestinians died in Israeli prisons, detention and interrogation center, since 1967, while more than 300 former detainees died after their release, due to sharp deterioration in their health conditions and diseases which resulted from a lack of adequate medical care and attention, while in prison.

Ferwana: “More Than 2000 Palestinians Kidnapped Since July 12”

PPS: 597 Palestinians Arrested During August