Ignoring international norms and conventions, Israeli occupation forces assaulted Palestinian Muslim devotees at the Bab Arrahma praying court and at the Bab Hetta court of Al-Aqsa mosque, in occupied Jerusalem.

Eyewitness reported that forces assaulted the congregation at Bab Arrahma court and abducted two Jerusalemite men and a woman, in the time of the evening prayer. Al Ray’s sources added that Israeli forces also assaulted the congregation at Bab Hetta court and denied them access to the mosque.

These attacks coincide with occupation police plans to issue a decision to seal Bab Arrahma gate completely, in order to Judaize the area, the office of Islamic Endowments said in a statement, on Wednesday.

Article 38 of the 1874 Brussels Declaration, in a section on “the military power with respect to private persons,” provides that the “religious convictions [of persons] and their practice, must be respected.”

Article 49 of the 1880 Oxford Manual, in a section on rules of conduct with respect to persons ”in occupied territory, provides that “their religious convictions and practice, must be respected.”