On Monday dawn, Israeli soldiers invaded Husan town, west of Bethlehem in the occupied West Bank, stormed and ransacked homes, and abducted several Palestinians. The army also invaded a village near Salfit.

Several armored military vehicles invaded the town, before the soldiers closed streets and various neighborhoods, stormed and violently searched homes.

The soldiers interrogated many Palestinians while inspecting their ID cards before abducting many young Palestinian men.

Two of the abducted young men have been identified as Qais Qassem Shousha, and his brother Mohammad.

In related news, the army stormed three homes in Marda village, north of Salfit in the central West Bank, causing serious property damage, and occupied rooftops.

The ransacked homes are owned by Najeh Khoffash, Mojahed Suleiman, and his brother Shaker.

Marda is subject to frequent Israeli invasions, while the Israeli army continuously closed its entrances, preventing the Palestinians from entering or leaving it.