Israeli forces shot, on Wednesday, six Palestinians, including two children, and caused others to suffer the toxic effects of tear gas inhalation, in various regions of the occupied West Bank.

Before dawn on Wednesday, Israeli forces invaded the city of Qalqilia, in the northwestern part of the occupied West Bank, sparking protests among Palestinian youths.

Media sources said that occupation forces opened fire with live rounds, concussion grenades, and tear gas canisters, shooting two citizens, including a child.

According to the Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS), soldiers shot a 17-year-old child in the knee and a 19-year-old in the shoulder, both with live ammunition; they were transported to hospital for treatment.

Israeli forces stormed, at dawn, the town of Al-Yamoun, northwest of Jenin in the northern West Bank, and opened fire with live rounds at Palestinian citizens, shooting a child.

According to Wissam Bakr, the Director of the Jenin Governmental Hospital, Israeli soldiers shot and injured a Palestinian child with bullet fragments from live rounds near the town; he was transported to hospital for medical intervention.

In the afternoon, occupation forces invaded the town of Beit Furik, southeast of Nablus in the northern West Bank, triggering protests among Palestinian citizens.

Medical sources said that soldiers opened fire with live ammunition, tear gas canisters, and concussion grenades, shooting two young men with live rounds and causing ten others to sustain inhalation injuries as a result of tear gas exposure.

Media sources said that the army shot a young man in the hand and another in the thigh with live ammunition.

The PRCS transported a 22-year-old young man who sustained a live gunshot wound to the thigh and treated ten citizens at the scene for tear gas inhalation.

Meanwhile, in the evening, occupation forces stormed the town of Birzeit and the village of Jifna, north of Ramallah in the central West Bank, sparking protests among local Palestinian citizens.

In Jifna village, the army opened fire with live rounds and tear gas canisters, shooting a young man in the foot with live ammunition, in the town of Birzeit, Palestinians confronted the invading army; no further injuries were reported.

Furthermore, Israeli forces stormed the village of Nabi Saleh, northwest of Ramallah, occupied the rooftop of an under-construction home, and fired live rounds and tear gas canisters; no injuries were reported.

It was added that soldiers invaded the area east of the town of Deir Dibwan, east of Ramallah, no protests were reported.

By fadoua