On Saturday, a Palestinian family was forced to demolish its home in the Al-Isawiya town, in occupied Jerusalem, in the West Bank, the Wadi Hilweh Information Center In Silwan (Silwanic) said.

Silwanic stated that Samer Jadallah had to demolish his property after Israel denied his appeals against the demolition, reportedly for being built without a permit.

Samer’s mother said her son finished the construction of his home only two months ago and was intending to get married and live in the property with his wife.

She added that the City Council in occupied Jerusalem issued a demolition order and informed Samer that he either demolishes his property at his expense, or the city would demolish it and force him to pay the demolition costs in addition to excessive fines and fees, reaching about 250.000 Shekels.

Last Wednesday, Israeli bulldozers demolished five Palestinian homes, a gas station, and a carwash facility in the At-Tour town, located to the east of occupied Jerusalem.

Last Month, a Palestinian citizen was forced to demolish his family’s home on Saturday, in the town of Jabal Al-Mokabber, southeast of occupied Jerusalem.

In July, the total number of demolitions in the Jerusalem Governorate reached 76, which included 10 forced self-demolitions and 62 demolitions executed by occupation machinery, in addition to four bulldozing incidents targeting Palestinian lands.