On Tuesday evening, a young man was injured by the Israeli army gunfire in the town of Al-Khader, south of Bethlehem in the occupied West Bank.

Media sources said soldiers chased two young men riding a motorcycle in the ‘Al-Baloa’ area and fired rubber-coated metal bullets at them, resulting in one of them being shot in the leg.

The source added that the soldiers invaded the vicinity of the citizens’ homes in the area and initiated extensive searches reportedly looking for the two young men.

The soldiers also invaded the ‘Al-Naji’ institution, violently searched it, and examined the surveillance camera recordings.

Furthermore, the army deployed more forces and military in the Al-Baloa area after closing and isolating it.

On Tuesday night, Israeli soldiers abducted a young man from the town of Far’un, south of Tulkarem, in the northwestern part of the occupied West Bank.

Also Tuesday, Israeli forces abducted at least seven Palestinian citizens, including a former prisoner, in various regions of the occupied West Bank.