Israeli forces, on Monday, abducted seven Palestinians, including a child, near Jenin, Nablus, and Hebron, in the northern and southern West Bank, and shot a young man with live rounds near the city of Tulkarem, in the northwest.


Protests erupted, on Monday night, when Israeli forces invaded the town of Qaffin, northeast of Tulkarem in the northwestern part of the West Bank.

Soldiers opened fire with live rounds and concussion grenades at those who resisted the incursion, shooting a Palestinian young man in the foot with live ammunition; he was transported to hospital for treatment.


On Monday morning, undercover Israeli agents (Musta’ribeen), with the help of the army, kidnapped Muhammad Bilal Mahmoud Hamamra while he was in his vehicle in the town of Jaba’ southwest of Jenin, in the northern occupied West Bank.

In the afternoon, occupation forces stormed the town of Barta’a, west of Jenin, invaded several neighborhoods, broke into shops in the industrial area, and confiscated many vehicles.

On Monday night, stormed Ya’bad town, west of the city, deployed an infantry unit, and invaded many neighborhoods without making any arrests.


In the northern West Bank city of Nablus, a large army force invaded the Al-Ein refugee camp (Camp No. 1), surrounded a home, while firing many live rounds.

After storming homes, soldiers abducted two young men identified as Salim Jibril and Lutfi Arafat, before withdrawing.

Meanwhile, southeast of Nablus, the army broke into and searched many homes in the town of Beit Furik, at dawn Monday.

Soldiers caused damage to citizens’ homes and interrogated several Palestinian citizens without making any arrests.

In the afternoon, Israeli soldiers stationed at the Deir Sharaf military roadblock, northwest of Nablus, abducted Qais Wael Hanani, a citizens of Beit Furik.


In the southern part of the West Bank, Israeli forces set up a military tower and caravans north of Hebron, in the town of Beit Ummar.

On Monday night, Israeli troops abducted the child, Suleiman Youssef Muhammad Kaabneh, near his home in Masafer Yatta, south of Hebron.

The army also abducted two brothers, Ali and Ayesh Muhammad Ali Awad in Masafer Yatta, taking them to an unknown location.

In related news, Israeli forces abducted thirty-three Palestinians in various regions of the occupied West Bank, including children.